Forums » Suggestions

ultra charge power cell

Dec 08, 2024 Drevent1 link
The ultra charge power cell requires mentoring 50 new players
that is basicly impossible at the moment
so either reduce that to 10 new players or make it available to LTS pilots
or both
Dec 14, 2024 DeathSpores link
or you could kill a tunguska voy
Dec 20, 2024 ScotiaKnight link
may be raise the mentor level cap to 5.. so players have time to adjust to the game a bit and begin to socialize enough that you can find someone to mentor; you can be level 3 pretty fast..
Dec 21, 2024 Lord~spidey link
Raising the mentoring window to level 5 makes sense, alternatively if any license remains below lvl 4 the pilot in question will still be able to be mentored.

I know for a fact that only a small fraction of those with the last mentor badge got it without using their alt accounts, since afaik you can mentor a character and once you're done you can delete and re-use the slot ad-infinitum.

making the window larger/longer makes a lot of sense.
Dec 22, 2024 ScotiaKnight link
you can only mentor so many per account, overall. its a very low number. ultras arent worth enough to go through all the trouble.. but its very simple to make as many accounts as it would take.. not that id encourage it, but theres no barrier stopping it from happening.

they are something you give to a day1 player since they are license free, and use if by chance its sitting there and you just need to slot something and go. never once in my life have i actively decided to use an ultra over another cell.
Dec 22, 2024 Lord~spidey link
They have an edge over the fast charge when it comes to light energy pewpew.

keep in mind before the advent of the IHDPC only the ultra-charge and fast-charge would allow infiniboosting; the extra 50 energy is a nice lil bonus when catching up to someone running.