Forums » Suggestions

Quest: Add 'look to steer/aim' option.

Dec 01, 2024 Cran-Do link
Hi. On the GearVR version of VO there was a look to steer option, and in the Quest version this has been replaced with a use controller as flight stick option. The latter might be more immersive for some people but personally I find it pretty useless, but I did find the former a lot more useful for aiming slowly at moving targets.

In fact the look to aim option, in conjunction with a proper controller gave me quite a lot closer control to a PC mouse, twitch combat wise. I'm not suggesting you remove the controller option, but adding the look to steer option too would be neat! Thanks!
Dec 22, 2024 Cran-Do link
Just a note: if I have my Xbox controller connected, head looks works fine and is the only option and works just like on my GearVR. This is only an issue when using the Quest 3 controllers.

If I had realised this before, I probably would be using my Xbox pad, but due to the sheer lack of support for 3rd party controllers in other Quest titles, well, should still be an option for this when using the Quest controllers. Maybe the default actually because using the controller to steer mode is absolutely useless unless you are an alien lol.