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The realistic weight of rockets & missiles

Nov 26, 2024 Cospley0 link

It's very easy for me: if missiles and rockets don't use the power cell energy, the each munition must have a mass, so the weight of the addon in the ship should decrease after each ammo used. This is a more equilibrated way to play, for me.

Nothing more and simple.
Nov 26, 2024 Whistler link
Please read:

Particularly important here is rule #4. Please specifically describe how your suggestion improves the game. If your suggestion were implemented, ships with lots of projectiles would be heavy and slow when fully loaded, but lighter, faster and more agile once they have fired projectiles. Do you hope to limit the mobility of ships with lots of projectiles, or do you hope to fly such ships and would like to be able to get away quickly once you have emptied your launchers?
Dec 01, 2024 Cospley0 link

At first I came up with this idea to balance the thrust to weight ratio between heavy and light ships, as the former maintain better mobility with mounted addons. This is natural, but after losing ammunition, in my opinion it is a disadvantage for light ships. Of course this is my opinion.

But the consequence of more realistic equipment has the effect of increasing the game variables. For example in the driving style of the pilots. Let me give an example:
If I mount both rockets and energy weapons in a light ship, the pilot is forced to adopt only one strategy or driving style, safe enough against another pilot who is good at pvp, because he doesn't want to waste ammunition. Instead by decreasing the weight of the ship, rightly the ship is by logic lighter, it will remain the "energy type setup". Pvp is different for the two players, there are more choices.
I give a further example. By equipping a light ship with only rockets, pvp becomes more complex and more difficult because the ship will be more dangerous with the last available projectiles.
Then we also have NPCs, and probably the rest of the game.

Is possible to give the addon a basic / minimal weight, too, but this is another argument. First of all i simply think about the weight of munitions.


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Dec 21, 2024 Lord~spidey link
As long as ammo only represents no more than a few hundred kg this could be pretty neat.

People that spam and run to reload are already annoying enough as is so the weight of the projectiles shouldn't represent a significant part of the addon but something like 15~25% seems reasonable, otherwise it would further incentivize cheezy/frustrating tactics.