Forums » Suggestions

Guild Inventory

Oct 27, 2024 CrazySpence link
Guilds should have the ability to have a shared inventory everyone can access, this way if your're trying to help a guild mate build a ship but say you're in japan and they're in NA and you never line up you can put the object into guild inventory at a station and they can pick it up later.

This could also apply to things like ships someday

Idea for implementation:

Treat the guild like a player when it's fully formed (kinda like how real life corporations are a person under law), so it would have its own per station inventory and ships the only difference is when players of said guild are in that station they can see and use the shared inventory

The guild would also pay rent on large inventories like a player

-Under the inventory tab you'd have your hierarchy of items and stations and there would also be another one for the guild
-Maybe add another tab for the load/unload for the guild OR have it sorted with your items first then <guild prefix> <item> for the guild shared items

-Sharer of the object can specify if it's everyone or specific guild member who can access
-Guild leadership can set a limit of shared object withdrawls if they want similar to credits, i would think most guilds wouldnt do this but it should be an option
Oct 29, 2024 ScotiaKnight link
since the pirates arent here to say it, ill say it.. "this completely eliminates risk of transfer."

weve been down this road many times from many different angles.. the idea starts different than usual but the outcome is still the same

..and if eliminating that is fine (which historically it hasnt been) it might as well just allow player to player transfers within the station and not be limited to guild at all. no extra 'special' storage, no frills.. just move it from one players inventory to another, on demand, within the same station

it would certainly make transfering ore and other high volume base materials a lot more convenient..
Oct 29, 2024 Lord~spidey link
Oh hell yeah!

The risk of transfer thing is dumb, we oughta have a functional market and that would also eliminate trading stuff in space. (latos market already serves that purpose when it comes to ships and some addons)

Shared guild inventories oughta be available at conq stations and select serco/uit/itani stations.

Guild inventories have the advantage of leaving stuff behind for anyone to use, station transfers limit it to trade between two people who I assume would have to be online, unless there's something to hold stuff in escrow or w/e.
Oct 30, 2024 DeathSpores link
"since the pirates arent here to say it, ill say it.. "this completely eliminates risk of transfer.""

Ok I say it!


Next suggestion teleport player from one station to another station keeping them the bore to fly a ship.
Oct 30, 2024 Death Fluffy link
+1 to station teleportation.

I say this not in support of or against this idea or any of the similar suggestions. First, one aspect of the game that I don't like is the drop-and-grab transfer between players. It's tedious and boring, and if you play smartly, it's perfectly safe 99.9% of the time. I get that it's a small community and that we are presumably attempting to create situations for players to interact, so I'm not advocating change now.

When the game gets pushed, and the player base grows, I think something like this will be needed because the stations will be too active with players for drop-and-grab to be a viable option. I think having a plan in place for when the game gets to that point would be a good idea.
Oct 30, 2024 greenwall link
This will greatly aid my leveling up of alts, an excellent idea.
Nov 10, 2024 Infinitis link
+1 to the guild storage and in-station transfers.
For most of us, there is no extra risk as it stands, just additional inconvenience.
Nov 13, 2024 tarenty link
+1 to guild storage and/or in-station transfers.

Still have to haul stuff station to station. Plus, an out-of-station transfer is still preferred for low-trust scenarios, e.g. someone has to pay and someone has to drop. If either doesn't hold up their end of the bargain, there are options, but not in a station.
Nov 25, 2024 incarnate link
I haven't commented on this kind of stuff in a little while, but basically I'm thinking that there would be some kind of substantial "service charge" (credits) that would come with in-station trading, which would make it less economical, but you'd be paying for safety / convenience (or some such).

And then out-of-station trading would have no such oversight. I also intend for out-of-station to not be quite so.. tedious and dumb (there's no reason it can't be a simpler interface, but still have the established risk).

Additionally, in-station trading might be "lawful" to the respective faction, and only permit the trade of items they considered permitted (which isn't really relevant now, but in the context of a "black market" and some item types being reason for KoS status on-scan at a Nation border, could become relevant.. people "running illegal weapons" and so on). That would create another "value" to out-of-station trading.

As we all know, I like to have tradeoffs, and I also like to have "knobs I can turn" that change various balance options down the road, for reasons that I may not yet foresee.

I would not make this type of trading a guild-specific feature (I avoid those when possible), but I would consider some guild-specific options, like the above-mentioned "guild-wide storage" and likely "factional surcharges" that relate to such options.
Nov 30, 2024 Dilan Rona link
+1 for guild storage of items for use by guild members.
Also the ability to transfer capital ship ownership to other members of the guild. With the captain being the one to decide ownership of transferred capital ships.
Nov 30, 2024 Luxen link
I like the idea of shared storage, a little. Just to keep the conversation churning, i've got a few consideration points to throw out there.

1) How are items going to be handled that a player normally couldn't access? (i.e. nationally-locked ships and any future related content)

2) While the mechanic doesn't exist yet, contraband. even if guild storage exists, it probably should be either limited in what it can store, or in where someone can access it.

2b) If choosing where, maybe the guild CO could register a dockable location, set unit-limit on deposits and withdraws, and even expand the space with rent payed via guild storage

3) Speaking of how much storage space, do guilds get increased warehouse space based on number of users too? Perhaps by number of premium-subbed users in the guild, even?

might come back with other additional points, /shrug/
Dec 22, 2024 ScotiaKnight link
cost/charge would be irrelevant, we would just pass that cost straight onto the reciever.. as anyone whos ever moved 20k~50k ore knows, it can take while... not that we do much transfering these days but supposing things of that scale ever happened again, id pay ANYTHING to avoid multiple hours in an xc.

frankly, nothing of any real value would require such a transfer method, anything actually expensive gets purchased in small volume. ie, you can drop an entire capship in minutes.

lastly, theres no one dumb enough in the game to drop something, have it stolen, then proceed to drop again, and again, and again.. effectively handing over their near valueless bulk items to someone. the notion is ridiculous.. if anything a person could delay the inevitible by sitting there.. a minor inconvenience at best.. you can sit on top of me all day long, ill consider it a service to the rest of the universe. no prob.