Forums » Suggestions

Toggle bind for "Aim with Controller" [VR Qol]

Dec 24, 2023 Luxen link
Okay, so, after some testing in combat with Kenny and others tonight, I've redone my controls entirely, and find I really like using "Aim with Controller" when i'm in actual combat, as opposed to using one of the joysticks on the quest II controller for steering. I use about 50% sensitivity and a small deadzone, and it feels great - *in combat*. When not in combat, I like to rest my arms by just going limp. Or, when typing, my controllers are inevitably pointed downwards a bit. Thus, I naturally tilt downward, a lot. I'd much rather have only the joystick control while not in-combat.

I would like for there to be a new bind that lets us toggle the "Aim with Controller" state on and off. It should only do on/off; it enables or disables whatever the user last selected in their VR settings menu.