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Aeolus Light Behemoth - buffs

Dec 20, 2023 Lord~spidey link
Currently completely "useless" relative to the tungmaud or the regular moth, it needs a second large port to make it useful, giving it three turrets like the moth, thrust buff and baking a mineral scanner/cargo spoofer wouldn't hurt.

It could probably use more buffs but that's a place to start, the regular behemoth's availability at corvus station kinda makes the light moth irrelevant.

Proposed changes

Turrets: 1 > 3
Addon configuration: 1L > 2L
Turbo thrust: 700N > 800N

And a baked in mineral scanner/cargo spoofer to boot
Dec 20, 2023 We all float link
I'm curious, why do you think this would improved the game a whole? Why the second LP? Why 3 turrets? At that point, the only thing making it light would be the armor (15k), its mass (2000 kg less than the other moths) and the capacity it holds. With the addition of more turrets and ports, it would probably lose the weight advantage.

How about dropping all ports with the exception of the turret. Reduce the mass and give it a bit more turbo thrust. That way it could be used in cargo running jobs. Matched with a firecraker, it might actually have a good use.
Dec 20, 2023 Lord~spidey link
The changes are to make it a viable option to extract ores in dangerous locations early in the game; top speed is what determines if a ship gets out of a sector alive more often than not at least when infiniboost is possible. It's already hard enough as is to catch a moth pilot that knows what they're doing so making an even faster one kinda defeats the concept of the behemoth as a whole.

There's good cargo runners in the game, some with rear facing turrets and all of them can hold their own against a valk/superlight/greyhound/svg.

If you want to talk about improving the game I'd be inclined suggesting the firecracker take a range nerf and the goliath lose it's top/bottom turrets or a mass hit at the very least... :P
Dec 21, 2023 We all float link
and the goliath lose it's top/bottom turrets...
Then suggest it in its own thread, and lets have the discussion. Inc has said in the past (paraphrasing here) that there is no reason the goli needs to better than the dent in anything.

The changes are to make it a viable option to extract ores in dangerous locations early in the game

By the time someone is finding ores in dangerous locations, they are in grey space. And by then, they have access to the moth via Corvus. Frankly, the Tung Maud is a better ship for ore extraction in that situation. And it is available at -/-/-/-/2 (with 920 tung standing).

Anyways, here is the original thread suggesting the Light Moth (and its intended purpose). (2008)

Other suggestions about nerfs/buffs/etc:
Increase Aeolus Moth Turbo Max Speed to 200(2009)
Ships that need some love.(2011)
Buff the Aelous Light Behemoth (2020)
Aeolus Light Behemoth change (2015)
Cargo runner Moth variant(2015)
Dec 21, 2023 Lord~spidey link
The tung maud is also a better cargo rumner, that said the proposed changes would make the light moth that much better for heavier loads and the current 175 m/s is plenty fast it's a moth afterall.
Dec 21, 2023 abortretryfail link
+1 there is currently no reason to use this ship.