Forums » Suggestions

An idea

Feb 13, 2004 asphyxia link
It would be nice if people could transfer items they have at stations to other players. It would open up a new avenue in roleplaying.

E.g. a player could make their living doing trips to s18 to pick up nation ships, then taking them back to a more accessible sector to sell on for a profit.

Im assuming this will become a more useful feature as vendetta evolves too, assuming there might be some "special" or unique items etc.

The way i see it working is that at any station, you can view your inventory, select an item, then click transfer to player or something. That item would then transfer to the inventory of the other player (albeit at the same station).

If players want to collect money upfront or anything then that can be handled by the /givemoney command as per usual.

I think the idea of players being shopkeepers at certain stations would be cool =)

thoughts, comments, flames anyone?

Feb 13, 2004 GThang link
Kill the sale of nation-ships in S18 then, and have it become rouge-players selling out on their own nation :)

/G polishes the blue coating on his EC-88
Feb 13, 2004 asphyxia link
if friendly fire were turned off.. it would make the "black-market" even blacker...

rouge-players being hunted down by their own nations military =p

i believe that ff should be turned off anyway... but thats another thread

Feb 13, 2004 Sheean link
you mean on?
Feb 15, 2004 toshiro link
i like the idea.
Feb 15, 2004 SirCamps link
I like GThang's idea, although we _would_ need friendly fire off, if Player 1 was selling his nation's ships three sectors away, and his teammates wanted to stop him.
Feb 15, 2004 Urza link
err.. Friendly fire is off guys...
off: friends cant shoot friends
On: better watch out or your own team will die.

I like the transfer of stuff, but not ships. then every dick in the game will just sell valks for huge prices.
Feb 15, 2004 GThang link
If they wanna sell valks, let them .. the dynamics of the game should remedy it ;)

As for FF, then I'd say that some actions should make you prone to FF, such as ratting out your nation....

/G throws his head back and cackles gleefully.

ps: I'm already trading by proxy (since I cannot enter S6 without getting ALOT of attention) and I'd say its prefereble
Feb 15, 2004 Magus link
"I like the transfer of stuff, but not ships. then every dick in the game will just sell valks for huge prices."
-When every dick in the game goes blue just because they can get a steady source of Valks that should tell you something about its balance.

I like the idea, but the specials would need to be balanced first.
Feb 16, 2004 red cactus link
Man, I like this idea a lot. It would be cool to become a black-market dealer, and such. I approve. Oh, when I first started playing this game, I joined Itani for NO reason, other than blue just seemed like a cool color. See? I didn't do it for the steady stream of valks...although it is nice...:p

Feb 16, 2004 Celebrim link
I'd like to point out that Blue was by far the largest nation long before the Valk even existed.
Feb 17, 2004 Magus link
I said WHEN it happens. WHEN implying a future event.
Feb 17, 2004 UncleDave link
Ive said it before and Ill say it again- abolish the black market of ships entirely for now, that will sort out the balance issues. Gold have the marauder- great for moneymaking but sub-par at fighting, Red have the prometheus- decent hold and formidable to go up against, and blue have the uber-fighter but have to lug their cargo around in vulnerable centaurs.

Its the fact that Itani nip down to 18 and pick up marauders that is the problem, since the only ship capable of chasing down and blowing one up is the valk in the fist place.
Feb 17, 2004 Trigger link
yea yea im with uncledave just take the blackmarket out. maybe have illegal cargo there instead (ecstasy, mwuahaha)
Feb 17, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Errr, just have it labeled 'Narcotics', don't need children getting any ideas...
Feb 17, 2004 TraderVix link
My solution to pretty much all the above (for what its worth):

1) FF: Provisional off. Provision: Certain sectors classified as "secure" for the goverments (i.e. Itani: s1 & s4)

2) Limited ship modifications. Build points (cargo & weapons ports) can be assigned to ships and, based on their free cargo space/weapons ports ship modifications can be added (i.e. ship with 4 cargo ports and 1 weapons port can swap 1 cargo port for 1 engine port or 1 weapons port for 1 battery port, ect.)

3) Black Market, like that will ever go away. Players will *aways* find a way around the "system".

4) Instead of station to player, hanger availability (buy, lease, or rent yours today!) complete with repair bots and trade computer systems. A player's hanger gains % for business in their hanger but they also may set the price (of course the gov. gets their cut too).

For what it's worth.
Feb 17, 2004 Magus link
I never thought of it that way Dave. You're right. But then that gives us another problem. What about blues who go on Gold to trade and transfer the creds to a blue account and buy Valks up the wazoo?