Forums » Suggestions
Suppress "CLICK! Out of missiles!" message
This has been a slight nuisance since time immemorial. Every time you fire a rocket/missile launcher that's empty, this message displays every time it attempts to fire, per weapon. This can quickly add up if you're holding the trigger on something that can fire a couple of times per second (e.g. Jackhammers). On its own this isn't a big deal because you can just modify your weapon groups to avoid holding the trigger on an empty weapon too much. But with activate turrets, I'm now unable to affect what weapons I'm firing - it's all or nothing. This means if I run out of, say, geminis, but still want to fire my other turrets, my chat window is completely filled up with the "out of missiles" message. This can even happen in smaller ships, like if I have a gatling turret and a couple geminis on a Behemoth.
All this to say: Give me an option to turn it off. You could also implement a limit to the amount of times it can print to chat. Once every 30 seconds or minute would probably be fine.
All this to say: Give me an option to turn it off. You could also implement a limit to the amount of times it can print to chat. Once every 30 seconds or minute would probably be fine.
We'll take a look.
Add another toggle dialog in the interface option for it.