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Goliath and Trident Type M thrust alterations

Jun 16, 2023 darknessrise13 link
So, I would like to make this a bit of a discussion. I understand that the in-game weapons, ships, NPCs, etc balance is not meant to make logical sense in reality, but what about within the game? For example:

Thrust: 15000N
Turbo Thrust: 18000N
1 engine

Trident Type M:
Thrust: 10000N
Turbo Thrust: 20000N
2 engines

Both capships utilize the same engine, so far as we are aware. Would it not make sense that the Trident has more base thrust than the Goliath does? There is still some contention about the agility and speed of the Goliath with some people, and I personally believe the Trident could use a ---touch--- more agility. Not asking for a speed-racer Trident or anything, just a bit easier to get turned around or maneuver. I do -not- believe the Trident should have 20000N thrust. It would make sense if it used say, two of the same engine at a lower duty cycle, but turbo overdrives them for the full 20000. In this instance, we could argue the adjustment of:

Thrust: 10000N
Turbo Thrust: 16000N

Trident Type M:
Thrust: 15000N
Turbo Thrust: 20000N

The Goliath is already capable of some pretty impressive maneuvers due to its lighter mass. In some instances, you can turn away and completely avoid an incoming stack of swarms with turbo. Spin torque could be a part of this equation, as well.
Jun 16, 2023 incarnate link
I mean, there are a million reasonable reasons why the performance characteristics of the two craft "could" be explained to be different.

Generally, if we're going to change something about the game, I'd like to see a strong reasoning that's based on gameplay justification, and not based on.. some "conceptual reality" notion. Because, the latter can be argued for (or against) almost anything.

I don't really see (yet) why there shouldn't be some maneuverability tradeoffs between two different classes of ship? That seems like an interesting "variety" to have?

But, I'm open to continued feedback on the topic.
Jun 16, 2023 We all float link
Related threads:
Auxiliary Thruster - Turret
Response to "Nerf Goliath Grid"
Drop the Goliath's Turbo Thrust to 10,000 N
Thrust booster addon
How exactly does Turbo Thrust vs Weight work
Thrust Booster
trident nerf

It seems since both ships are considered freighters, and not combat ships, they are probably fine as is. Maybe when type S&P's come out, we'll start to see better maneuverability.
Jun 16, 2023 Lord~spidey link
The goliath is just a wee bit too fast for its size, and yeah it's much more accessible than the dent the barrier to entry is much lower thusly it shouldn't be so freakin' awesome.
Jun 17, 2023 darknessrise13 link
Would love to see more about the Type S and P, but that dream feels a bit too far out to be real. I agree with Spidey though, the goli is just a bit too nimble considering the ease of access compared to a trident. The trident takes far too long to turn around…
Jun 23, 2023 Anewold link
not to mention duel rails on goli is op vs a dent
Jun 24, 2023 Death Fluffy link
I'm less concerned about the maneuverability of the trident due to my general usage of it. I do feel like it could use more turbo thrust.