Forums » Suggestions
IgnorePlugins option in config.ini
Right now, in order to enable/disable all plugins (for instance, testing bugs), pilots have to move their plugins to a new directory. Would it be possible to add an option to the config.ini, under [vendetta], that tells the game to skip its plugin loading sequence if the value is true?
This would be for blanket-ignoring, and would have to be added by the pilot manually, but may help with making sure someone is actually (properly) removing their plugins (because ReloadInterface() after removing isn't enough to get a clean game slate, people!).
This would be for blanket-ignoring, and would have to be added by the pilot manually, but may help with making sure someone is actually (properly) removing their plugins (because ReloadInterface() after removing isn't enough to get a clean game slate, people!).
There would be value in also making this a toggle in options. It's much more of a hassle for mobile players to edit the config.ini.
Added in 1.8.653.