Forums » Suggestions

Make Capital Ships Useful

Jan 01, 2023 Nyscersul link
I should mention first that i hadnt intended to draw this out into a long to and fro. So, apologies for that. Again, thank you for your response however, and for taking that seriously.

Rather than persisting in bashing things i'd just like to say that the focus on this discussion has been on a certain topic, and that topic is something which gets under people's skin. (Edit: Also, apologies for getting heated, myself.)

I'm not going to disagree with any of your points, i'm just going to say quite simply that you made a great thing with vo, and, when things like this happen and people get strong opinions about things it essentially is proof of how your work so far is valued. So, no, i dont think you are incompetent at your job, and i am content to disagree on some topics. Some aspects of vo are very impressive, and have been for a long time.

So, lets dispel the annoyances and leave it there.

Have a great new year. :)