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Treat Deneb NFZ's as Grey space NFZs

Dec 01, 2022 We all float link
Currently nation station NFZs in Helios B-7 and Ukari L-2 are unprotected from players weapon fire, as they are located in grey space. I propose that Itani stations in Deneb be given the same treatment. When players enter Deneb, they are given this warning:

One of these increased levels of risk should be a lack of protection of potential weapon fire in the NFZ.

Positives: Enemies of Itani forces will be able to wage war more effectively on the Itanis in a contested area.

Negatives: Being shot in a nfz when a player thinks they are safe can feel bad.

Counter to the negative: don't enter a war zone.
Dec 01, 2022 Aryko link
Currently nation station NFZs in Helios B-7 and Ukari L-2

Yeah because they are in greyspace, Deneb is not greyspace. Afaik it's still a blue dot on the map.

Enemies of Itani forces will be able to wage war more effectively on the Itanis in a contested area.

How so?


I see no real value gained here, and it opens up what are nation space stations to dirty tricks from opposing players.
Dec 01, 2022 greenwall link

On the negatives you neglected to indicate that this is totally unbalancing in favor of serco.

Lacking any kind of reciprocal adjustment (such as implementing this in Geira O-4 as well), this is a terrible suggestion.
Dec 01, 2022 12netjuan link
As you see the stations he is clearly talking about are in areas seen as “Dangerous” and NEW Pilots should be careful in dangerous places deneb should be no exception

On the negatives you neglected to indicate that this is totally unbalancing in favor of serco.

Explain what kind of advantages Serco has for deneb? the wormhole is clearly an easy place to set ambush for any serco trying to get into deneb. AND there is no stations there to begin with for serco. is it not an active war zone right now? so why are you worried about being safe in a Combat zone?

Dec 01, 2022 12netjuan link
I see no real value gained here, and it opens up what are nation space stations to dirty tricks from opposing players.

War should never be considered fair in the first place. this is only gonna change for the stations of deneb which is an active conflict at this moment, and until there is a way that Serco has a way of actually putting its foot into deneb, we should consider deneb to be a hostile environment.
Dec 01, 2022 SkinWalker link

Space should be dangerous. Itani no fire controls shouldn't work on their enemies' ships.
Dec 02, 2022 incarnate link
I believe in re-balancing Deneb, and the related conflict, such that the Itani don't have a locational advantage.

But, I don't think the OP here is in the right direction towards that.