Forums » Suggestions

Cargo Cache

Apr 06, 2022 Luxen link
In partial response to this thread

The Cargo Cache is a "deployable" container, usable to group many items into a single semi-large object that can be transferred between people, or could be a spawned item used to make exploring possible random structures appealing. Transfers would be quicker for pilots able to use these cargo caches, and they could be used for temporary off-station storage while still retaining the danger of existing trade mechanics.

~~ the container ~~

When dropped, the container exists as an NPC entity. A key system could be used to manage who can "collect" from a container, though I personally think a different system might work better given the more temporary status of the vessel.

Since the container is an entity, it can have stats similar to a standard ship, with its loot table simply grabbed from whatever items were loaded onto it.
<owner pilot's name>'s Cargo Cache
armor: 25,000
volume as cargo: 250cu <cannot be picked up though>
cargo: 200cu
mass: 10,000kg + cargo
thrust: 10n

Even though the cargo cache should be little more than a large shipping container who's doors have some basic security on them, to prevent accidental deepspacing, it needs just a little thrust. The container doesn't try to remember where it was originally dropped, it just needs the thrust to (eventually) brake.

To interact with the cache, a pilot would use the /charinfo screen; a button to load and unload cargo is listed underneath the object's details. If a pilot is not on the whitelist, the pilot gets a message telling them they do not have the authority to unlock the cache at this time; if the pilot IS whitelisted, then a screen similar to the station load/unload menu would appear.

~~ the equipment ~~

The Cache deployer works similarly to a large port mine launcher; when the sector detects this "mine", it instantly replaces the object with a container "npc" in the nearest space with enough clearance. Unlike other mines, however, the pilot must be at least 500m away from 'large objects'; otherwise, the ammo is refunded and the pilot is notified that they need to move (instead of trying to implement any complex space-finding algorithm in case someone decides to drop a cargo cache inside of a derelict. or should the cache just self-destruct if it spawns inside another object?)

Cargo Cache Launcher
ammo: 1
Total simultaneous deployed allowed: 1
reload not allowed
mass: 15,000kg
grid: 25

~~ how to obtain ~~

The cargo cache launcher can be obtained two different ways;
1) The launcher can be outright bought from the capital shipyards (and future unaligned capital stations, if any), but the price is exorbitant.

2) The launcher can be manufactured at specialized factory facilities, requiring large amounts of SSS and some standard components to be used for the security system.

for a relatively "simple" object, I don't think requiring manufacture should be necessary, but should be preferred, hence the mighty price tag.

~~ additional notes ~~

This would be considered a deployable property - as in, other factions probably wouldn't want you deploying something in space they "own". As such, if a player were to use this in a faction-owned sector or system, that player would take a faction hit until the property was removed (by force). This is more to set precedent that player-owned deployable devices (i'm looking at temporary turrets short term, all the way to player stations long term) cannot or should not be deployed in or near monitored systems.

I'm sure I forgot something important in the middle of typing that out, so I welcome questions >.>
Apr 06, 2022 Sid123 link
So... (for example) I tell the other guy that I've hidden a a cargo cache containing say 4 FFSA behind so-and-so roid in Pel G2, and after giving them a key I can log off. The cache stays there, doesn't despawn, doesn't appear on radar and can only be seen with the naked eye. Assuming no one else stumbles upon it or searches for it by combing the sector, it can be accessed by Player 2 at any time.

So my question is, after Player 2 takes the cargo from it, does the container just despawn and disappear forever, despawn there and respawn in my inventory or just stay there as an empty container which anyone with a key can later fill?
Also can I have multiple containers in space at one point or only 1? Because if it's only 1 then it's not much use to transfer/share inventory.
And can I "push" the container to a different location in the same sector, or somehow "drag" it somewhere else (including another sector) using a tractor beam addon?

And reduce the grid to 10. Non-cappie players have to transfer stuff as well, more so than cappie owners.
Apr 07, 2022 Luxen link
doesn't appear on radar and can only be seen with the naked eye
THis was meant for the spawned hidden caches only, which were to encourage exploration of random derelicts. I would not have this function with active caches that players actively use.

the container would remain until it is either destroyed or is told to expire by its owner(s). it could be used by anyone with a key for that duration.

I'd at least start with only 1. It can hold an entire XC load of content; I do intend to try to keep a balance between ease of use and pirate-ability.

You would be able to push it around the sector (or pull, should that kind of functionality be introduced whenever; treat it like any AFK pilot who has F/A turned on as a brake, but the brakes aren't amazing), but not into other sectors. Once its deployed, its deployed. you'll have to unload and deconstruct/destroy it, and then launch another, should you wish to move sectors. This is only intended to be relatively temporary, though no time limit is directly imposed on its existence.

As for requiring capital vessels to launch these, I'm of the mindset that ANY extended trade mechanism or ownable deployed objects should be restricted to near-end-game pilots. Maybe not "I need sammic to make these" end-level, but fairly close. These introduce a little more safety and ease of use for any pilot who can access them (owner or whitelisted), and I DON'T think that making it available to all is a good balance. Work for the top-end cool toys.

...and partly to make having any kind of sub just a little more enticing.
Apr 07, 2022 Sid123 link
I would not have this function with active caches that players actively use.
If you mean that everyone with keys can see the cache, then it makes sense. If it means everyone can see it on radar, then it's practically useless as a means to transfer goods due to the certainty of being spotted and looted by players with minimal effort.

I'd at least start with only 1. It can hold an entire XC load of content; I do intend to try to keep a balance between ease of use and pirate-ability.

1 XC load is useless. We're talking transferring FCP and FFSA, which you need a lot of even for a goli, let alone a dent. For a simple part such as an RBH, you need 2 FCP (which will need 2 containers) + 5 FFSA (which will also need 2 containers). If we get to higher items such as an EPA or an EHA, it's even more. Just one container is useless.

And while I agree with the sentiment of incentivising subscription, capship owners already have a LOT of advantages when it comes to manu. The non-cappie owners are the ones who really need to co-operate to build their capships, and restriction this mechanism to capships doesn't allow that.