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goli grid, hqbeam and turrets.

Jan 31, 2022 ScotiaKnight link
it would be cool to get the hive queen beam dropped four points of grid so we can at very least fill all available turret slots with simple four grid turrets. doesnt appear it would allow tridents to do anything they cant already either.

goliath has 'always' been a little odd with the turrets, not being able to make full use of them such as the undocumented hard cap on players allowed to dock despite available space which previously limited us from piloting the ship and using all available turrets simultaniously, pre-activateturrets.

i do understand there are built in turrets, but i consider 'basic' functionality to be one step up from that.

Jan 31, 2022 We all float link
You can just swap out turrets on fly. Use one type to get you where you want to go and switch to another type. If you need full turret support, then use a trident.
Jan 31, 2022 ScotiaKnight link
im talking about qbeam using so much grid we cant even equip the three turret ports on our ships with the most basic of turrets.

dont need the ability to use capitol class turrets. not looking to switch turrets. just want to be able to use all three turrets while mining. rather than two turrets and a "default" neut. the reply is not even on the subject.

"says letting an actual capship use basic turrets bad idea, then simultaniously +1's subcap ships having massive cells and using cap turrets in another thread." no bias there at all. get a trident. lmfao.
Jan 31, 2022 ScotiaKnight link
my mistake, they were only suggesting up to 30 grid. couldnt use cap turrets. either way, same thing.. buffing light ships to ridiculous levels: they should just get a capship.
Jan 31, 2022 haxmeister link
battery grid limits continue to be wonky on Golis.. anything that helps gets a vote from me
Jan 31, 2022 ScotiaKnight link
furthermore.. (sorry i cant edit.......)

even a MOTH can rock twin HD's and three basic four grid turrets on its 20 grid making the grid level seem completely arbitrary by comparison.. <sarcasm>OP, should nerf</sarcasm>

the "worst" thing that would happen in this new scenario is both goliath and trident would get to add an additional four grid turret to their loadout, in a port that is already completely functional and firing. may be i just dont like the sound of the neut2 firing, who really needs a reason other than having more choice?

its not going to make the ship any more powerful or be game breaking and its certainly not getting an edge over the trident... the change is completely on par.
Jan 31, 2022 We all float link
im talking about qbeam using so much grid we cant even equip the three turret ports on our ships with the most basic of turrets.

I understand that. This is all about trade-offs. You get an amazing mining beam and you can equip it to your capship, so now you can't equip all of your turrets. This is clearly a suggestion for the goliath, and there is no reason the goiath needs to be anymore special than it already is.

To quote inc:

"So, the advantage of the Goliath is that it is much easier to build."

"I don't see why the Goliath needs to have an advantage at all."
Feb 01, 2022 Sid123 link
Inc being brutal. I feel sorry for the goli lol
Feb 02, 2022 IronLord link
As Inc has already said. And has been quoted above. While I love that the goliath is a unique ship, it's only uniqueness should be that it's "easy to build" it should be by all standards inferior to the trident. So big ol - 1 from me.
Feb 04, 2022 Drevent1 link
the Goli is short of grid for good reason -1