Forums » Suggestions
Dwindling Hive
This is a suggestion to mitigate the issue of farming bots to fast. I propose that the hive regen rate be reduced after a certain amount of time and kills.
The hive bots have to manufactured by something, and there is only so many that can be manufactured in a certain amount of time. Even if the hive kept a surplus of bots around, that supply would drop and their manufacturing facilities (i heard it once stated that they got manued by queens, but i don't know if that is canon) would start getting taxed.
Standard farming with a fighter, even in groups of 8 or more would probably not trigger this, but advanced farming with turrets would certainty trigger this. Farming bots with large amounts of armor would probably not trigger this because they take so much longer to kill.
The hive bots have to manufactured by something, and there is only so many that can be manufactured in a certain amount of time. Even if the hive kept a surplus of bots around, that supply would drop and their manufacturing facilities (i heard it once stated that they got manued by queens, but i don't know if that is canon) would start getting taxed.
Standard farming with a fighter, even in groups of 8 or more would probably not trigger this, but advanced farming with turrets would certainty trigger this. Farming bots with large amounts of armor would probably not trigger this because they take so much longer to kill.
Yes queens making hive bots is just cannon. (as we have little lore on how static queens get into capital systems) I really like the idea of dwindling hive. Make more people fight over a limited resource. Instead of every trident pilot picking their own random sector to farm for days on end.