Forums » Suggestions

increase voys number with a standing loss for those killing them

Feb 21, 2021 DeathSpores link
increase voys numbers.
Everybody have been cheap killing them lately with no consequences
to mitigate this:
Implement a faction penalty loss for people killing voys when the surviving ships reach destinaton.
Mainly cause a UIT faction loss (could be minor faction loss as well but start with uit).
This would limit the number of people wanting to kill the voys.

It could be based on the same mechanism as hive bot kills with higher points loss.
Feb 21, 2021 Hawkfeather link
+1 to increased voys, -1 to faction loss for killing them outside of nation space. Greyspace is greyspace.
Feb 21, 2021 DeathSpores link
In fact in OP you dont get penalty for killing the ships, you get penalty for leaving survivors to tell the tale.
Feb 21, 2021 Ohm link
So you have to kill the entire convoy to get away faction hit free? Sure. This should only count trade ships though, the actual escort ships do bug out and warp to nowhere if all the trades die, so it would be unfair to count this as getting away, as you cannot possibly chase them to nowhere.

Feb 21, 2021 Luxen link
You'd have to adjust a mission or two that specifically say you ought to hunt in greyspace to reflect the new change. As for how I feel about this, ehhhh...

You aren't intruding on 'protected' borders, so i'd push that faction loss could occur when you get reported, but ought not be anywhere nearly as severe as regular faction loss. You don't want to accidentally permaKOS yourself just cause you were dueling too close to where a convoy jumped in, nor do you want to overly affect those few missions that already lower your faction standing by... like, 10 or 20 points max...

Realistically, I don't like it at all, but it also makes sense lore wise, but... I dunno how much real benefit this would give the game. its more like an unrealistically difficult challenge to most players than anything...
Feb 21, 2021 Hawkfeather link
Again, strong -1 to losing faction standing for killing anything in unmonitored space ever. There are already plenty of places where you lose standing for shooting things, and those places are unbelievably boring.
Feb 21, 2021 Nico Okarr link
+1 to the concept but I too don't like the idea of losing standings.

How about instead penalizing you for abandoning an escort mission or killing them while in the mission? People mainly pick these missions, scan for goods, and then abandon them in order to kill them. The penalty could be minor as a medium standing loss, or a bit complex such as less "high value escorts" if you keep abandoning them.
Feb 21, 2021 Torbjorn link
-1 to losing standing for abandoning escorts, also that's irrelevant to the topic of this thread
Feb 21, 2021 We all float link
I'm a fan of surviving ships equaling potential for standing loss.

Maybe some kind of EMP weapon could be released that wipes ship logs. Have another health bar for logs (shields, health, data) . Wipe the logs and no standing tank.
Feb 23, 2021 wsad1234 link
How about penalizing players who got the escort mission but let the ships die?