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Deneb Suggestion 3: Expand the war

Aug 14, 2020 We all float link
There is nothing really going on in Geira Rutilus. I know there is a whole back story, but that could tweaked a bit. I suggest that the war be expanded to GR. The station in O-4 could be moved back to M-8.

NPCs fighting for their own territory would have an aggressiveness buff. Winning battles on the other nations turf would have a point bonus. And the WH connecting the two systems would be a major point of conflict. There could be turrets on both sides of that wh that could be killed to cause skirmishes, and if the turrets were not killed after a few days, more would show up.

Expanding the war this way, would eliminate the complaint Sercos players have had about Deneb being unfair because Itanis can come back faster.
Aug 16, 2020 Aryko link

Maybe the whole war could have 2 stages. For e.g. Serco win the week, they then push into Deneb and skirms take place only in Deneb. If the attacker(Serco) wins the following week, this continues. If they lose, the Serco get pushed back to Geira and skirms take place on both turfs.

Maybe the attacking side could also have a station at the WH entry point. One of the stations other than Deneb O4 could be moved to B12. This station remains accessible to Itani as long as they are invading Geira. If they lose their invasion, or get invaded by Serco, they lose that station. Same for Serco, with Geira O4 remaining as-is.