Forums » Suggestions

Anti-Pirate/Blockade Mines

Jan 27, 2004 SirCamps link
I like it. You could have S- and L-port ones like you suggested, but then perhaps an avalon-type one that detonates a huge wave, but aside from the damage your ship would receive from the shockwave, you'd suffer nothing more. It's radius could be something like 250 to 500 meters. Consider it a one-shot large port.
Jan 27, 2004 simondearsley link
Simple: Like a normal proximity mine but instead of exploding when near a ship, it exerts a push or pull, slowing down or even stopping a ship which flies within range (using this fancy new 'gravity' system)

A trader could drop a few of these when being chase to slow down or even stop a chasing pirate. From my experience, even a small delay when chasing a trader will cause you to loose them...

A pirate or group of pirates could lay a gravity net at a strategic location in a roid field (in s10 or s5) and using a little smarts, team work, and a bunch of gravity mines, could lure or chase a trader into the net.

This could come in two flavors: Large port = strong, small port = weak

Jan 27, 2004 raine link
Make it so ships within a certain gravitational pull can't warp and you have the perfect anti-chasing measure. Valks, with their quick acceleration, will become the "best" fighting and pirating ships, as I suppose they are intended to be (and maybe already are).

If, however, you make it relative to mass... then anything could happen.
Jan 27, 2004 ahdinh2 link
I like it also. Its ALMOST like having a emp that stops a ship for a few seconds then the ability to 'push or pull' the ship.

/me wonders how good it would be to use in a duel : )
Jan 29, 2004 GThang link
Simple grav-mines with variable strenght and energy (if it grabs a ship, it shouldnt be able to hold it indefinately)

Could be useful in many situations, letting players gang up on a ship caught in a grav-net, or setting up a defence perimiter

Effect would be proportional to ship size+engine pull, as should energi-consumption...

Jan 29, 2004 Ceadda link
Oooh.. posibilities here.. as a mine or weapon.. we now have, the grav-sling..

High density gravitational field that causes ships passing within a defined radius to suddenly gravitationally slingshot around to a new heading :D Maybe make it a charged weapon, you hold down how much force you want it to have and that defines how much battery it takes to charge, and how far the field extends.

Option 2. :) Gravitational distortions. Randomly occuring event, perhaps caused by wormhole openings or other common events.. large fields of distored gravity just pop into existance. They dont destroy anything, they just make fun when you start flying like a drunk.. :D