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VR PC - Open VR support

May 17, 2019 Pizzasgood link
+1. Would be nice to use my Vive with VO, or Valve's new Index gear. Also, Linux support.
May 17, 2019 incarnate link
"Maybe". The trouble with Beta support for anything, is you end up still having to support things when they break. And OpenVR is a little "Androidy".. lots of opportunities for new breakage. If it also doesn't include a model to bring in enough new revenue to offset the added support costs and time sink, that can be kind of rough.

But, we'll take a look. In general, I strongly support "open" standards, and I love VR.
May 20, 2019 incarnate link
"If you add the OpenVR API into your VisualStudio project and build it, they will come"

In my experience, that never happens. I can't think of a single platform or project we have ever added support for, that meaningfully moved the needle on user acquisition, without some other (significant) external marketing-driven factor (like a Store Feature, Co-Marketing deal, Platform Support, or some other thing.. tied quite separately to a real-world business-development relationship).

Really, this is not a negative perception of OpenVR adoption or anything, but understand that the only way we're likely to make any money out of this is some kind of substantial user aggregator (Steam, Oculus, HTC, Google, whomever) plastering us all over their store and saying "YOU SHOULD GET THIS!@!#".

Plus, do understand that there's always 17 things that go wrong with any new API and hardware. There's no like "adding it to the VisualStudio project and recompile", then we have to Q/A and test it, and then we find all the other problems. I mean, Oculus has broken our VR implementation with their internal changes a number of times, and we actually support them.

We are still going to look at this, and evaluate it.. because I love VR.
Sep 10, 2019 Demonen link
I shall now reach out my primary poking appendage and ever so slightly bump this thread.

Recently re-subscribed completely unrelated to this, but would still love for there to be support for my VR hardware.

Sep 30, 2019 mrl1213 link
I have used an Oculus Headgear with an Android phone here since I started playing VO a few years ago. In fact, I found VO after I discovered VR, and VO is all I use it for now.
I Bluetooth into an X-box controller and an external speaker.
Play here in VR anyway you can, it’s so beautiful. My stomach used to jump when I flew past a roid or a station. Also, it is nice to be able to fly forward while looking behind you!
Galactica Actual