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Make won sectors in Deneb Monitored space
Make won sectors in Deneb monitored space for whatever nation won that sector that week. And if someone hated comes in, deploy a strike force to kick them out.
lelkek. why though. dont you have to have a station tto deliver a strike force? i could see this being easily exploited, as i could keep the SF within 600m and jump into itani sectors, ultimately annihilating serco SF.
atleast thats how it worked when i last checked.
The force's mission would be to kick a hated pilot out, not chase the pilot to an itani controlled sector. You leaving(dead or alive) would achieve the goal.
And why is this necessary? Nobody bothers going to those sectors, they are empty.
I have noticed Serco's hiding their capships in Itani controlled sectors and Itani hiding their capships in Serco controlled sectors. Those won sectors should count for something.