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Automated turrets for capships

Oct 31, 2018 PaKettle link
It would mean that turrets would not be remotely operable by plugin.
Im sure it would not be out of the devs ability if they choose to block it.
Nov 03, 2018 Pizzasgood link
Bad idea. It screws over legitimate users of plugins for things like firing weapons using analog triggers (e.g. Xbox and VR controllers), and it would probably break stuff like Droidbuttons as well (depends whether it implements new touch zones for firing, or just moves the existing ones).

If you want to stop turret bots, it needs to be done by detection, not by disabling functionality. Or just, you know, make them obsolete by implementing auto turrets.

+1 OP.
Nov 03, 2018 Xeha link
Nov 03, 2018 PaKettle link
Turrets were generally intended to be manned by players, Not simply run by bots.
Take a hint and quit whining about the injustice of it all or the devs may decide to force the issue with unexpected results.
It would not be the first time they acted to stop players from automating game play.
VO is a skill game and Cappies are basically multiplayer ships.
Every plugin that has violated that basic tenet has been nerfed shortly after the devs became aware of it
I dont speak for the devs but they have acted against bots many times and if you want to keep them then dont become a nuisance to the devs.

Clear enough for you?
Nov 03, 2018 -Wash- link
"Every plugin that has violated that basic tenet has been nerfed shortly after the devs became aware of it"

Do you happen to know any of the names of these? I'm pretty sure the TGFT turret plugin still works just fine and it has been around quite awhile and hasn't been nerfed.

Now for some facts about turret "bot" plugins:

They can not rotate to point at a target
They can not follow a target and lead off enough to hit said target
They are only effective to either fire guided missiles or only fire in one fixed position
There is no AI that makes them OP
They can only target what the pilot tells them to target
What turret bots actually use: +shoot2 1, +shoot2 0, Target Next, Target Nearest Enemy, basically all the targeting options available to regular players.

Now I am all for an automated turret control system as it would make my life so so much easier. Most of you are making HUGE assumptions about what turret plugins do and are so far off base you can't comprehend. So let's try learning how things ACTUALLY work and what they can ACTUALLY do for being all passive aggressive whiny about such things.

That should be pretty clear.
Nov 03, 2018 look... no hands link
Even semi autonomous turrets would be cool, like say in world of warships, the best similar example I can think of off hand. Having unmanned turrets track to where the pilot is looking (probably best with mouse-look) and if asked to do so fire (if they bear, or if they are carrying homing missiles) would I think be a large improvement to the game.

I have no idea how hard this would be for the devs to implement, or if it's even feasible within the current game engine.

I know cap ships are meant somewhat as a multi-player ship, but the current active game population does not really support that use case. Moreover, having manned turrets on say a trident, means you have 4 less fighters, which is not all the likely to be a good trade off in MOST cases. Using noobs would be better then nothing, but not likely a lot better, as they often can't aim all that well.

I can see a couple times it would be, like 4 cap rails defending a trident under attack by a lot of bomber rags, maybe. This is something a bunch of us players should actually test sometime, 4 gunners plus a pilot in the dent, and say 4 attackers. I'd be willing to help test out the viability of such a use. I doubt the dev team CAN properly test it, as their isn't 8 of them to do a real world test, and I doubt bots could mimic human players well enough for the task without a truly massive amount of work put into them.
Nov 04, 2018 PaKettle link
Actually there use to be a bot that took screen shots and steered the ship by them. Too bad the devs nerfed remote steering which I believe is also used for aiming....

I very much agree that the current state of the game is a big reason for the devs to ignore turret plugins. I am simply saying that it may not be a good idea to draw the devs attention to them as thier goals may include nerfing such bots eventually.

I cant say what the devs actually have in mind but in the past they have generally steered the game away from automatic play.

At any rate further speculation will do noone any good. Good luck. I hope you get what you really deserve.🍻
Nov 05, 2018 Aryko link
Getting rid of turret bots would also level things....

+1 to removing capships from the game, so way more people are on a level field :P

Anyway as lux said, wait for the tactical mode. It should solve the issue. Also, I have seen capships without turret bots deshielding those with them, so it isn't as OP as you'd think.
Nov 05, 2018 Pizzasgood link
I really don't care if the devs crack down on turret bots, PaK. I wasn't saying they shouldn't or wouldn't. What I object to is the specific short-sighted method you suggested. They already have nifty bot detection algorithms coupled to the captcha system; they could just leverage that and avoid taking a dump on upstanding players.
Nov 06, 2018 Wind Employment link

I don't have a capital ship (yet) but do wonder why the turrets do not have some kind of automatic or NPC controlled firing. All the talk of the ships being designed for "multi player only" is nonsense also, my search is failing me right now but I have seen a thread where Incarnate says "Automated turrets are something we want" - (paraphrased, will try find and link the thread).

No idea how hard it would be to code or do but I kind of like the previously suggested NPC turret ops. You could even expand upon it and give the NPC's a base level, and let them get better or more efficient at firing the type of turrets they man, so for example an NPC that you put in control of a swarm turret, may (with time) be able to fire the swarms a bit faster (maybe they start out slower than a PC) - of course if the ship/turret dies so do NPC gunners equipped so you would have to start over if they die, maybe even make them trade-able! Sorry, took the thread waaay off topic so will shut up now but still. This is a good idea, but of course the turrets would also have to be destroy-able before this can happen.
Nov 12, 2018 IronLord link
Incarnate and ray do not care about turret bot abuse. As they have made perfectly clear to me about how conflict diamond use to have to fly with other players. Didn't see how that had any thing to do with players using BOTS to automatically do the work for them though.