Forums » Suggestions
Screen re-center button
Hey the daydream version has pretty bad case of screen drift and the perfect fix if possible would be to map a recenter command (like when you hold the home button on the daydream remote) to game pads so we don't have to keep searching for our daydream remotes when the headset is on. I think something like pressing a+b would be perfect and this is literally the only problem with this incredible game!
I recall there being something like this for the Oculus Rift version on Windows. Maybe the same command will work on Daydream?
Unfortunately, unlike Oculus, the Daydream SDK does not provide a way for developers to re-center the screen.
Until Google adds such a function, you're going to just need to keep the Daydream Motion Controller around while playing.
Until Google adds such a function, you're going to just need to keep the Daydream Motion Controller around while playing.