Forums » Suggestions


Feb 09, 2017 de Obliviator link
Let's remember the days of old. Everyonext was fighting in those wars. What's become of it Now? Thousands of people have left their war destroyed lives and went to fight hive and kill smaller players. Ruins were left. Those of us who still fight for nation dominance, are now being undermined. I suggest we do something about it. I suggest that we set Secro and Italian NPC fighters to be sent to fight this wareview by our side. And also people are racist in here to other nations. We should ban them or something from chat.
Feb 09, 2017 Zorgotron link
It would be pretty cool if both Serco and Itani would send small bands of NPC fighters across the border (or in UIT space!) to attack enemy pilots. That would remind Serco and Itani players of the tension, and of how bad the other side is. There could be missions where a player could join such a strike force, of the "Kill n Enemy Pilots" version. Heat the war up a notch.
Feb 10, 2017 Piment link
You lost me at "Secro and Italian"
Feb 10, 2017 The_Catman link
lol Piment
Feb 10, 2017 Luxen link
You want to ban UIT pilots who picked a side? No thanks, No thanks at all.
Feb 10, 2017 de Obliviator link
So, like do you the idea of NYC National fighting?
Feb 10, 2017 de Obliviator link
How do I get DEWs to look at my post?
Feb 10, 2017 bojansplash link
First you must draw a circle on the floor.
They you light 4 candles and put them around the circle.
Next you step inside the circle and start rubbing your belly with your left hand and tapping yourself on your head with your right hand while turning clockwise. At the same time you have to yell 3 times, really loud: dumbkopf, dumbkopf, dumbkopf!

You will hear from the DEWs shortly after that.
Feb 11, 2017 Pizzasgood link
I find that their response time is better if you soak your hair in the blood of a stillborn gerbil before performing the ritual. Also, use either vanilla or apple scented candles for the best experience. Cinnamon will work too, but your next bowel movement will be unpleasant. I once had a friend who swore by laundry-scented candles. I made sure he added me to his will beforehand, though, so it worked out okay in the end.
Feb 11, 2017 de Obliviator link
I am serious here.
Feb 11, 2017 Dr. Lecter link
We needed smarter noobs then, and we clearly still need smarter noobs now.
Feb 11, 2017 PaKettle link
These guys are spoofing you - the ritual requires five candles.

And a post the devs will consider worth reading.....
Feb 11, 2017 Mr.Kruger link
These guys are utter noobs for teasing a new player.

First, It's SIX candles, not four and definitely not five, five would just summon Kurt.

Second, draw a large circle, just like Bojan stated.

Third, you must spin around 22 times while chanting "Soon™"

Finally, The developers demand an offering, so you must be track down a veteran who left to play Elite Dangerous and pinch his nipples while continuing the chant.

Feb 11, 2017 aaronund link
All jokes aside.

The developers pick and choose which suggestions to respond to.
Feb 11, 2017 de Obliviator link
Aarounnd, I like the way you respond.
Feb 12, 2017 beyond black link
C'Mon, is this about how YOU got kicked out of HIVE for NATIONALISM "ban nationalist chat players" that is stupid for banning players, especially PAYING players, ONE are nationalist, oh yeah ban them, what a great idea "De Obliviator"