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Dec 16, 2003 eljefe link
The controls on Vendetta aren't that great (at least I seem to think so). I think it would be much better if (on arcade mode, not physics mode) the controls (as in joystick, manuvering) were modelled after those of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. Have any of you played that game? Play it and you'll see what I mean
Dec 16, 2003 roguelazer link
I have... I kinda prefer Vendetta's. But to each their own. Does it matter? You can reconfigure your controls pretty easily...
Dec 16, 2003 Arolte link
Mouse lock was been suggested by me, along with some pretty good support from the community. It's being considered. All we have to do is be patient to see IF it'll be implemented. Hey, it's better than a straight NO answer or no answer at all.
Dec 17, 2003 Celkan link
Mouse lock? ermmm.... definition?
Dec 17, 2003 Arolte link
Switch to keyboard control mode (default ; key). Then use your arrow keys to look around. Notice how you turn instantly rather than looking before turning. The shakey reticule is completely eliminated and you also rotate at a quicker speed. Now, imagine having those same controls but with the mouse instead of the arrow keys. Mouse looking is essentially centered and locked to your aiming reticule (no two separate reticules anymore). That's what mouse lock is.

Pros: very reactive controls, no reticule wobble, faster rotation, and higher torque.
Cons: unable to look around before turning or while boosting (mirrors anyone?).
Dec 17, 2003 roguelazer link
The problem with that is that, unlike keyboard speed, mouse is highly analog. With mouse, you don't make a "left" signal event and a "-left" event. You make a "left 102.45pixels" event and a "left 0 pixels" event. So mouselock would feel really weird, especially on the slow ships. If you're on Windows, goto mouse properties and set mouse speed to the very slowest and you'll see what I mean. It's weird to move your mouse across the entire mousepad and see the thing onscreen only move 100px.
Dec 17, 2003 Arolte link
To some extent you're right. However, realize that sensitivity can still be tweaked down. On high agility ships it won't be a problem. For example, you can always artificially slow down the sensitivity of the ship if it is too responsive. But you can't speed it up beyond its agility level. And by judging from the provided turn rate of keyboard/joystick controls, I don't think mouse sensitivity will be an issue until you hit the Ragnarok, Centaur, or Frigate level of ships.

Maybe the closer your mouse is to the edge of the screen, the faster your ship will turn in that direction. The closer it is to the center of your screen, the slower it'll turn. In other words it would keep you turning for as long as you have that reticule at the edge of your screen. Sort of like a turn toggle feature based on the location of your directional reticule. That way you wouldn't have to drag your mouse all the time, but instead would only have to leave the reticule at the corner of your screen and then center it when you're done turning.

I don't know. I mean other space combat sims with different ship classes seem to handle the mouse lock control scheme quite fine. I don't quite know how technically, but if it works for other games why not Vendetta? I mean it's great that you can look before you turn, but because of the wobble it's not perfect. The "controlresponse" variable still requires that you sacrifice responsiveness over oscillation control, which is very limiting in solving the issue.
Dec 18, 2003 roguelazer link
For one thing, other games have much less division between agility classes. In XvT, the Y-Wing isn't that much less maneuverable than the A-Wing, nothing compared to the difference between the Valkyrie and the Centaur.

However, I do like your idea with "faster at the edges, slower at the center". Have you ever played bzFlag? Because that's the control style that you're describing, and it does allow for some cool spins...
Dec 18, 2003 Vlad link
We actually had the controls set up like that at one point. It... didn't work well at all.
Dec 18, 2003 Celkan link
oooooh... ouch. Shot down, guys! :P
Dec 18, 2003 raybondo link
We could still make it an option though.