Forums » Suggestions

Newb Sector

Dec 11, 2003 Lucid link
Maybe even add a feature where they could take different ships for test drives around that sector with any weapon attached (limited # of missiles for obvious reasons) to try them all out and get a feel for things without having to have tons of cash first. Just make it so they can't leave the sector until they switch back to their bus. This would be quite helpful in getting some bearings when it comes to seeing what exactly each weapon/ship can do so you don't have to waste loads of credits trying each one out just to see what it's like. You find what you want to aim for, then leave the sector and throw the credits together.

Dec 10, 2003 Eldrad link
1 sector that has no player-vs-player damage. 3 wormholes, 1 blue only to s1, 1 red only to s2, 1 gold only to s3. If the flag is taken to this sector it is dropped outside the wormhole.

Inside the sector there would be a number of stations with low profit widgets (maybe fixed at 100c gain), some bots of different levels (nothing too high), and maybe a simple race track.

This would create an environment where newbs could learn the game in peace, and meet newbs of other nations. This would hopefully reduce the amount of blind hatred between nations that has cropped up recently. It would also reduce the need to have def bots to make newbs safe.
Dec 10, 2003 Phaserlight link
I think this is a good idea, epsecially for those non PVP types. I know the devs do want to step away from "rules imposed by God", but most MMORPGs have some sort of newb friendly "haven" area. Here it's more like get killed within 3 seconds of stepping outside your nation sectors.

One idea I'd like to add; put a score limit on being able to enter the wormhole... this way the sector would be accessible only by newbs and vets wouldn't be able to come in and steal the kills.
Dec 10, 2003 LordViking link
of course then enterprising vet traders could keep a low score (like i used to do) and exploit this area for low cost widgets...
Dec 11, 2003 Magus link
I like it. It's like a little sandbox where all the noobs learn to play nice. Give them little 15bounty bots to test their skills on and help each other out. No cargo though. That would just unbalance it. It could be like a little tutorial sector.
Dec 11, 2003 Kuvagh link
As I told you in-game, I like it. It'd be a perfect supplement or alternative to my idea of having newbie sectors for each nation.

Flags would be less deep into nation home space than newbie sectors, and/or the one newbie sector, so the defbots wouldn't hinder CTF anymore.

Dec 11, 2003 Pyro link
That'd be great... Maybe there could also be a money limit, to prevent things like what Viking said? Also, there ought to be some people allowed to be in there without score or money limits, and act as guides (the helping kind, not the moderating kind)...
Dec 11, 2003 genka link
/me stamps idea with n00bs stamp of aprooval
Dec 13, 2003 Eldrad link
I didn't say anything about limiting people from getting into the sector. Maybe after the scores are completely redone that would make sense.

As to LV's thought either leave it in... everyone will be able to trade those widgets and the prices on them won't be any better than the prices on any other widgets. Or take that sector out of the rest of the trading loops, similar to s40-46, widgets from outside the sector would sell for 0c inside the sector and the widgets from inside would sell for 0c on the outside.
Dec 14, 2003 Jm262 link
this is a great idea, points for eldy. It also sounds like something that wouldn't take too long to make.

/me takes n00bs stamp and approves elds idea.
Dec 18, 2003 Eldrad link
Dec 18, 2003 Durgia link
Some sort of noob sector would be great. I really like the idea of a place where noobs can learn to fly and about the game without having to be in constant fear.

Maybe have 2 stations (the old ones or something) that they could trade between and make 5c or something, just to learn.