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Lower rail energy usage petition

Dec 09, 2003 Phaserlight link
Zombiebagel: the rail gun actually has a 1.2km range, which is pretty good, if you're going for a stationary target. The problem is it's pretty much impossible to hit anything further out than 300m, because by that time the target will have had nearly a full second to dodge. This is why I was in favor of keeping the energy usage the same, and increasing the speed by 50 or even 100 m/s. But I agree it does need to get tweaked, so just to help get the dev's attention I'm signing my name.

(edit: given the railgun's current abysmal energy effeciency, I think that even if it had a 600 m/s or 800 m/s velocity, it would not be unbalanced. The only thing it would be good for is long range shots. If anyone tried to use that thing up close their battery would be drained in 2 shots, and their opponent would pummel them with more effecient weapons.)
Dec 09, 2003 Zombiebagel link
Yeah i like the faster idea alot. Maybe an even slower firing rate would be good with a bit more damage (like +100-200) and the same energy usage. Because when it comes down to it... just use blasters guass or whatever if you want a close range shot weapon. In other words, improve it just opposite to lowering energy usage.
Dec 09, 2003 roguelazer link
1.2km? That's new. Back when the frigate was targettable, the railgun only had a 650m range.
Dec 09, 2003 Phaserlight link
Yeah, I tested it with a couple other players a few versions back (I can't remember who). He was able to hit me when I was 1,150m away as long as I remained stationary. Try it yourself if you want.
Dec 09, 2003 The Kid link
it is (or was) pretty funny seeing a valk come back after ramming with low health and when it's about to dock, I fire a rail from way away and explode it. They don't know what happened.
It's not impossible to hit something more than a second away if the target is not thinking about it.
Dec 10, 2003 Magus link
Where do I sign?
Dec 10, 2003 Urza link
actualy, in 3.2 at first the rail's effective range was 1400m.
Dec 10, 2003 roguelazer link
>>> Back when the frigate was targettable

This was after the rail rebalancing. :P
Dec 14, 2003 7th Blade link
/me loves the rail.

Lower the energy usage!
Increase the range of how far it can travel up!
Raise the speed up alittle!
Raise the damage up alittle too!
Lol maybe not the damage but yea.

I been practicing with the rail lately. I'm able to hit a moving target aver 1000m away as long as the target doesnt change it's velocity (dumb bots). They usually run into it. I also noticed that the rail has a very small auto-targeting system. As long as the target reticule is yellow, the rail will shoot out at that direction, but only slightly.

Fasho put my name down!

/me goes sniping.
-7th Blade
Dec 14, 2003 Jm262 link
put me on teh list. The rail gun atm does take a tad bit too much energy. I'm gonna go with everyone else, lower the rails energy usage a bit and increase it's velocity a bit.
Dec 15, 2003 simondearsley link
What Jm262 said...

I believe the/a guns rande is a property of its velocity? a shot only lasts a few seconds, so incresing velocity will increase range?
Dec 15, 2003 spikee_raskal link
put me on the list too.
the rail doesn't have a long enough range
to be called a sniper rifle nor is it fast
enought yet.

Dec 15, 2003 Valkyrie MK.II link
count me in
Dec 15, 2003 Trigger link
me is in
Dec 15, 2003 Sheean link
Greenpeace says: energy efficient rails should get a government subsidy! :P

Me is in :)
Dec 18, 2003 Willis link
Stick my name on there.
In-game name is Niut