Forums » Suggestions

Mobile: Optional double-tap button to calibrate device

Jan 30, 2016 kaisersouse link
As a new mobile player I enjoy this game very much, however I feel the inability to easily recalibrate is a missed opportunity. Feeling locked-in to a specific physical playing position takes away from the very mobility that handheld device users seek when playing games on these platforms.

I humbly suggest a toggle in the Accelerometer options window that allows the player to display a small round button on the right side of the playing screen, just under the ship/player stats. This button could be half the size of the existing fire buttons, and will instantly recalibrate the devices position when the button is double-tapped. It could also be an invisible hot-spot that recalibrates when double-tapped. I feel the requirement to tap the area twice quickly will reduce cases of unintended recalibration.

Thank you!