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Deep Space Sectors

Oct 15, 2015 Rolflor link
Deep space sectors
These sectors would be randomly generated. Many would be empty, but others would have the possibility of roids, hostile bots, random cargo, rare cargo, and other cool stuff. . .
If at some future time we can land on planets and mine or harvest resources, build factories etc. Deep space would be a great place for planets to be generated.
Similarly if we can ever build stations Deep Space would be a great location for a player to have a station.

These sectors would be accessible by equipping a special power cell that a player can build by accomplishing a mission.
Also buildable would be special deep space scanners that would increase the likelyhood of finding a sector with something good in it.

Each player would be allowed a small number of Deep Space Beacons which would save the sector and allow the player to return. Players maybe be allowed to rent additional Beacons with rl $ because it would take server space.
Deep Space Beacon locations could be shared with other players through a key type system.

Deep space missions would only be accessible to full sub players to discourage possible abuse.

To keep the Vendetta motto of nowhere is safe intact, it would be possible for a player to sometimes jump to an already existing Deep Space Sector. Players could destroy each other's beacons except if a station had been built in the sector. :Edit: The station builder's beacon could not be destroyed but invading player's could. :Edit:
I would like this occurrence to be pretty rare and lucky however.

I think this would add a lot to the game.
What do you folks think?
Oct 15, 2015 Rolflor link
If you are in a group, group members within a certain distance from player with Deep Space Cell equipped would jump to new sector also f2p or not.
Oct 15, 2015 Rhine link

Full sub only? Pretty sure only some vets can get there.

Also, if it was full sub only, and you lose your full sub and can't afford to get it again. You will regret suggesting it to be for full subbed players only.

Allow F2P, Lite, and Premium (I don't know if Premium is also full)
Majority of the Playerbase are Android users, they'd leave the game if they found out that only full sub players can get there.
Oct 15, 2015 Rolflor link
I mean premium sub.
I only say this so existing players don't start a bunch of f2p alts and use them to unfairly locate good sectors or existing sectors
Oct 15, 2015 Rhine link
People rarely use F2P alts (even if they did, it's for mining)

So still -1ing this, as I said majority of new players are Android users, they'd think it's unfair that they can't get there unless they buy a premium sub (which majority of Android users cannot afford)

And how could you abuse Deep Space Sectors? I really don't see any reason to abuse them.
Oct 15, 2015 Rolflor link
If someone were to use multiple accounts to unfairly locate good sectors or already existing sectors, it would be abuse. Let's say there is a 1/100,000 chance that a sector will generate a trident part. A person with 10 alts jumping into new sectors all the time would surely discover one before a player doing it the right way. Or if there was a 1/250,000 chance of them jumping to the sector where you and your friends are mining the giant xith roid that is so big it barley heats when mined. Something that took you guys weeks of jumping to randomly generate but found quickly using multiple alts. That is my abuse worry. To counteract it there could be greater odds against good sectors but this would make it less fun to explore.
Oct 15, 2015 Rhine link

As I said, people rarely use F2P alts and one person can't control alts all at once

Still -1ing this

Also, back then in Alpha/Beta stage, there were these things called "Secret Sectors"
Oct 15, 2015 SkinWalker link

At least for something like it.

As far as alienating the f2p folk... too bad. The game needs things that motivate them to subscribe. If an idea like this was implemented, their status quo wouldn't change if it were only available to subbed members. And if they left in protest, let 'em. Its not like the few that would leave are contributing financially. I'd expect the quitter to subscriber ratio to be in favor of the latter just because they'd be curious, at least for a month.

Also, that's the sort of thing that could possibly be offered as an in-app purchase. Subbed players can access; F2P cannot -but they *can* purchase access for a nominal fee in the app.