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Raw mouse input
I've noticed the game ignores fine mouse movement i'm talking like at 1mm/2seconds these find movements are crucial to aiming with mouselook off when the ingame sensitivity is set high.
I have no idea how the game interprets mouseinput from the OS but its something i'm not noticing on my desktop and in other games.
it feels a lot like there's a certain threshold of movement the input has to pass before the game actually starts moving my view around (mouselook on) it would be great if the game would have an option for raw mouseinput that wouldn't ignore these fine jittery movements.
what's really strange is I feel like i would've noticed this before so maybe i'm just trippin' brah.
I fiddled with different mousing surfaces and DPI/sensitivity settings i've found ways to attenuate this effect but not eliminate alltogether if its not too much work i'd love to see an option to disable this
I have no idea how the game interprets mouseinput from the OS but its something i'm not noticing on my desktop and in other games.
it feels a lot like there's a certain threshold of movement the input has to pass before the game actually starts moving my view around (mouselook on) it would be great if the game would have an option for raw mouseinput that wouldn't ignore these fine jittery movements.
what's really strange is I feel like i would've noticed this before so maybe i'm just trippin' brah.
I fiddled with different mousing surfaces and DPI/sensitivity settings i've found ways to attenuate this effect but not eliminate alltogether if its not too much work i'd love to see an option to disable this
/me asks Spidey to pass that shit!
Dunno what you are on Nihl, but I have had this problem myself. Only with high-grade lazer 3500DPI Mice, but it is an issue.
I cannot remember how I fixed it personally, as I lost my old gaming rig due to women issues, but I think it was related to mouse smoothing.
I cannot remember how I fixed it personally, as I lost my old gaming rig due to women issues, but I think it was related to mouse smoothing.