Forums » Suggestions

Setting Triggers as Toggles.

May 30, 2015 JHX link
So this suggestion is geared more towards new players and mobile players, and to help them in combat.

Well firstly, the ability to fire your weapons on mobile, while dodging and aiming at the same time, is difficult, even with droidbuttons as there just aren't enough hands to go around. Similarly, new players will find doing this difficult, even on pc as it is a lot to focus on at the same time, whilst getting used to flying.

Now I know auto-fire exists, but whilst this fills the hole of not being able to put large volumes of fire down-range, it also means that energy control is very difficult, espescially for new players. Also the fact that to engage auto-fire on another player, that player needs to have damaged you first, makes pvp combat troublesome.

What I propose is to have an option to toggle a "continuous fire" mode for the triggers, so instead of having to hold down the fire button, you can just tap it, launch a stream of plasma at the enemy, whilst focusing on aiming and dodging, and simply switching off the fire when your energy gets too low.

This would make it easier for new players, espescially on mobile, to fight early on.
May 30, 2015 RoboticMechanicalJeb link
Although, your weapons should stop firing when the energy reaches 25% (the final bar) and restart firing when it reaches 100%
May 30, 2015 JHX link
@RMJ that is a cool feature too! Would make it easier for people trying to escape but trying to put up a fight too.
May 30, 2015 draugath link
You can already trigger continuous fire and turn it off. You just have to create some aliases first

For continuous fire of the primary trigger just type "/+shoot2" (don't ask). In order to take advantage of this with DroidButtons, you'll first need to make an alias.

/alias cont_fire1 "+shoot2"
/alias cont_fire1_stop "+shoot2 0"

then set those aliases to a button in DroidButtons.
May 30, 2015 JHX link
While that is possible, I find it unlikely that new players would have easy access on how to do this.