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Squid Ink Mine

Feb 25, 2015 joylessjoker link
A new type of large port mine with a continuous area of effect similar to lightning mines.

If it's flown into, the pilot is rendered blind for a duration because of the squid ink substance covering his cockpit view. Radar can flicker on and off, for half functionality. Perhaps turn it around - you get half physical view, and a fully broken radar.

The fleeing behemoth can then turn to a different direction and run while the chaser blindly flies in the opposite direction, probably crashing into an asteroid or two.
Feb 26, 2015 The Axiom link
Feb 26, 2015 vskye link

Due to environmental issues all the squids were eradicated back in the early years of 3045, thus no ink.
Feb 27, 2015 joylessjoker link
So you didn't know that a few scientists preserved squid DNA for many years and started a new squid cloning facility in Nyrius relatively recently. Time to put those slimy creatures to a good use!