Forums » Suggestions

Yellow as the new grey

Feb 01, 2015 Death Fluffy link
Just a wild idea, start all new players as either Serco or Itani and then give them the option through a mission at some stage of their development to choose to become UIT as well as incentives to make that choice.
Feb 01, 2015 yodaofborg link
- 1000

There is no reason beyond madness for a change like this.


Instead, warn newbs when choosing UiT that there is more danger?
Feb 02, 2015 biretak link
Why? to encourage more nationalist game play and fewer uit? If so I agree, but this could also be done with some kind of incentives. There could be more incentives offered to populate the side with the least players (start at higher license plus credits to be serco if there are not enough serco at that moment). This could fluctuate based on active populations over the past week.

UIT are warned already yoda that starting as uit is more difficult.