Forums » Suggestions

Visible title of any forum page should contain the forum's name

Apr 15, 2014 alphantomega link

Image at

The text in a browser tab is determined by the "title" tag in the HTML file (XPath: /html/head/title ).

Per default, all titles for* are called "Vendetta Online - Forums" which makes it hard to identify the proper tab without clicking it (or maybe hovering to get a tooltip).

I suggest to modify the page's title at least by adding the forum name (e.g. "Suggestions"), maybe even shorten it like "VO Forums -> Suggestions". (The tab shows the VO icon, so even without "VO" or "Vendetta Online" it can be identified fast.)

The example given in the image above shows that I am a "tab fetishist" (btw: The addon is called Tree Style Tab). But i guess that even "normal people" will have a few forum tabs open at the same time.

There is a workaround: use some tool like GreaseMonkey to rewrite the "<title> tag". Yeah! Not only use Lua for modding the game, but also mod the forums!
Apr 15, 2014 Pizzasgood link
Apr 15, 2014 abortretryfail link

Also the reply links should probably include ?page=x so it doesn't leave you looking at page 1 while you type your replies...
Apr 15, 2014 TerranAmbassador link
+1 to both ARF and the OP
Apr 16, 2014 yodaofborg link

I see no reason why not
Apr 16, 2014 Kierky link
Apr 17, 2014 incarnate link
We'll take a look at this. But probably low-priority when we get some time, not in the immediate future.