Forums » Suggestions

Extend Logoff Time

Oct 31, 2003 Arolte link
Just a very small suggestion. How about extending log off time to thirty seconds? I hate people who log off during wormhole jumping, or who know they'll have enough time between their distance to log off safely during a battle. Besides, when you've already found a safe place log off, you'd assume it would be safe for an additional twenty seconds. It wouldn't hurt to try!

Opinions? For it? Against it? Reasons?
Oct 31, 2003 Arien link
hmmmmm, an intereting suggestion. I don't know about making it 30 seconds.. maybe 20 as a start?

I have had people log in the middle of fighting, and it is annoying. Or maybe, to prevent people from using the /logoff as a way to escape pirates, make it so the logoff is normally 10 seconds, but takes 30 if you have fired your weapon or been hit by a weapon in the past minute. I don't mind the wormhole logoff so much, but i think it's kinda lame to logoff in the middle of a fight.

on the note of logging off. did you know that you can /explode while the 10 second logoff timer is running and it doesn't interrupt it?

(oops, this is Spellcast, I forgot i was on my dads computer so the messageboard cookies are set to his name)
Oct 31, 2003 toshiro link
hmm... i second that motion of moderation. 30 seconds are a tad much. 20 s should do for the start. it is much harder to balance when you jump up and down the scales like a rubber ball.
Oct 31, 2003 SirCamps link
I'll agree.

20 seconds after you fire a weapon you can start the 10 second count-down.
Oct 31, 2003 roguelazer link
Against. 15 would be the most before logging off would be annoying. Right now it takes me about 4-6 minutes just to set my joystick throttle to 0% just to be able to logoff, there's no reason to extend it. I have never (not once) had someone logoff in battle against me since the delay was instituted. Leave it.
Oct 31, 2003 Phaserlight link
I agree with toshiro. Arolte has a very good point and I am pretty sure the devs didn't intend someone to be able to have a guaranteed safe logoff when they jump, but history has proven small changes are better than big ones. 20 seconds sounds good, or maybe even 15.
Oct 31, 2003 Arolte link
I have, rogue. That's why I'm suggesting it.


Twenty sounds reasonable. It's definitely better than ten.

Keep 'em comin'!
Oct 31, 2003 Smurfy link
I also say leave it alone. 10 seconds is good for keeping people from popping in and out.

If you need further prevention for this, how about a report form for such things. Enter in ship name, color. If the dev's start getting multiple reports of a person doing this, they get a warning or a ban or a punishment, whatever.

Let the rest of the honest people have a decent and reasonable log off time, even 10 can be a bother sometimes when the phone rings... or someone drops by for a visit, and your nowhere near a station to log off quick.

Perhaps we even need something like.. "If ship X hasnt been fired on for... 2 minutes? 1 minute? 5 minutes?, allow instant log off."

Or even better, how bout an alarm or warning that goes off when your ship has been targeted by an enemy. When your targeted, 20 seconds to log off. When your not targeted. 5 seconds to log of. That way its a boost to those who really need to get away for a moment, but keeps you from hiding from a fight.
Oct 31, 2003 Skyfox link
I think ten seconds is annoying as it is. We should LOWER it to like 8 seconds. 30 seconds is waaayyyy to long. An entire half-minute just waiting for the program to log off? Thats crazy.
Oct 31, 2003 Skyfox link
I think ten seconds is annoying as it is. We should LOWER it to like 8 seconds. 30 seconds is waaayyyy to long. An entire half-minute just waiting for the program to log off? Thats crazy.
Oct 31, 2003 The Kid link
20 seconds is good. if you don't want the countdown, just dock. Surely you can dock in 30seconds.
Oct 31, 2003 SirCamps link
I like the weapons idea better.

If you haven't fired in the past 10 seconds, you can start the ten second countdown (regardless of ship movement). Same with docking. You gotta wait 10 seconds after firing to dock.
Nov 01, 2003 UncleDave link
Thats a bodge, not a balance. Station defenses will be put into place eventually, so I dont think thatd be very useful for very long- more annoying.
Nov 01, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
uncle, it started out as an idea for logging out randomly between warps, it had nothign to do with being close to the stations.

I think you are replying to the wrong thread and wanted to reply to the forcefield one :D
Nov 02, 2003 Spellcast link
""--I think ten seconds is annoying as it is. We should LOWER it to like 8 seconds. 30 seconds is waaayyyy to long. An entire half-minute just waiting for the program to log off? Thats crazy. --""

If you are logging off in a station it is instant. whats the problem? most people I see log off while actually docked, so with the possible exception of those of you who like to stretch the octree by passing 400 gazillion billion meters from the center of the sector, extending the delay time shouldn't have much effect other than to keep people from logging during jumps and/or in combat.