Forums » Suggestions
Mileage Indicator
Although it would have no real purpose other then satisfying curiosity of bored haulers or bragging nationalist and rats.
I think it would be cool to have a indicator of how far a ship has flown, how many jumps/WH is has flown through or something of the sort. Maybe the date the ship was bought and how long it has spent in space. Something simple.
I think it would be cool to have a indicator of how far a ship has flown, how many jumps/WH is has flown through or something of the sort. Maybe the date the ship was bought and how long it has spent in space. Something simple.
Pretty sure you could write a plugin for that.
Yeah you could estimate that with a plugin.
If there were some way to determine ship's orientation within the universe, couldn't you combine that plus distance traveled data to effectively navigate within a sector? If cargo drops ever became persistent this might be useful for creating caches or stashes that could be shared with other players -or potentially looted.
Hehehe, I like the sound of that. Loot stashes all over the place for enterprising explores to find and liberate, CtC xith caches (or its "expanded universe equivalent) etc...
You can find your position within sectors with objects like asteroids or stations using trilateration.
That's so much effort for such a little reward, though