Forums » Suggestions

"Other" tab split into Specific Tabs

May 13, 2013 Kierky link
Instead of collecting all the power cells, turrets and things that don't fit into the S-port and L-port categories, why not split this tab into more specific Tabs.

Right now it looks like
||--- Buy Ship --- Small Addons --- Large Addons --- Other ---||

Suggesting to break it into:
||--- Buy Ship --- Color Selection --- Small Addons --- Large Addons --- Turrets --- Power Cells ---||

Additionally, on the tutorial, it would lead them through all of the panels, not just the ones that are needed for the EC-89, and explain what they are and can be connected to.

I don't know if the Color Selection tab would be necessary, but it was a good idea in my view as many people forget to set the color before they buy the ship. In this way, you could also use this as a utility for repainting ships that have already been bought and/or used (for a price).

I noticed this when going through the tutorial again, thinking as a newbie would, and what curiosities they'd have.
May 13, 2013 Lord~spidey link
this could only be justified if we had more powercells/turrets...

May 13, 2013 Kabuloso link
+1 OP and *Cough*
May 13, 2013 Kierky link
Yes I agree, that is what I intended this to be for, when they bring out a crapton more stuff.