Forums » Suggestions


Apr 21, 2013 Snake7561 link
Pretty self-explanatory. Stuff that upgrades your ship. Like an autoaim assist for Valkyries that moves the guns forward, so they could move more but it would use more energy. Or a Flare Targeting system, that applies auto aim for flares, but would increase the mass greatly. The possibilities are endless - turbo charger, jump distance modifier, armored plating, etc.
Apr 22, 2013 Whistler link
I'm a bit mystified by this. You are aware that the are scads of different ship variants, weapons, engines, mining beams, and so on? Sure we could always have more, but this seems a bit nebulous. How about choosing one of those and fleshing it out?
Apr 22, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Those daily suggestion posts are getting a big convoluted there Snk.

You realize there's no competition for most suggestions threads right? :P