Forums » Suggestions
Give mission icons color
The new mission icons look alright, EXCEPT the are totally lacking in color! Color is a very useful way to quickly identify the specific sorts of mission you are looking for, and works better with perhipheral vision than shapes do (such as when you're scanning down the titles). When they are all the same grey and black color scheme they blend together.
Please colorize them.
Please colorize them.
Compliments of Homestar Runner:
Actually, what would be cool, would be to colorize them, make them look like real buttons that players select when choosing a mission. These icons are a good start to what I HOPE will be a complete PDA overhaul- because as it stands, the current version is outdated.
-1 for being pointed to that video! :p
+1 Colorize them! That was the very first thought I had when I saw them. Guild should hire a graphic designer... they know the value of this stuff.
They do have an artist now. Maybe he's a big fan of film noir or something :p
Ah, the commercials of my childhood....
Ah, the commercials of my childhood....