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Repair and Reloads should take time

Aug 11, 2012 Kierky link
There are a few ways we could do this.

1. Make the time taken relative to damage inflicted.
2. make the time taken and cost relative to distance from proper repair authorities (for example, a Corvus marauder takes longer to repair 5000 armor points in Itani stations as it does in Corvus stations)
3. Pay more for a quicker repair service, also based on 2 above.

Better use of credits, because insta-repairing and reloading is stupid!

Please discuss
Aug 11, 2012 Phaserlight link
Some further explanation of why you think instant repairing and reloading is "stupid" is probably in order.
Aug 11, 2012 abortretryfail link
Vendetta is a game. Games are supposed to be fun.

-99999 points to fun-killing wait times.
Aug 11, 2012 Pizzasgood link
Delays are stupid!

Edit: I could see this being relevant for HAC-sized ships, IF you are allowed to hop into a different ship to use while the HAC is repairing, and come back to pick it up later, so that you aren't just locked out of playing the game while you wait. Applying this to Trident-sized ships would be pushing it. Definitely not appropriate for fighters.

Oh, and only for the repairs. Reloads in a hanger/docking-bay should always be instant, unless we're talking about some kind of low-ammo doomsday weapon that can one-shot a Levi's shields. Even Avalons should be instant.
Aug 11, 2012 TehRunner link
instant reloads, delayed repairs.
and instant repair is stupid because actions like station take overs are dictated by when the attackers get bored.
Aug 11, 2012 TheRedSpy link
Hells to the no.

I empathise with the position that EMS is in. You have virtually no role to play in the meta-verse because of the terrible lack of updates or support or any real effort to make the role important on the part of the devs. It's uber boring at the moment to try and be a space mechanic, and I know this from personal experience. I also agree generally with the proposition that some restrictions should be made to certain content in the interests of defining roles - but delays are certainly not the answer.

The answer is to add remote locations and have activities at those locations that are dangerous, but also rewarding. That way people have a reason to bring repairs and to play support roles as they become vitally important to the success of whatever you're trying to achieve out there in the space wilderness. This also brings a boost to the role of capships too, in addition to repairs, space mechanics should have capships.