Forums » Suggestions


Aug 04, 2012 slime73 link
<thread hijack>

Make concussion railguns reloadable (like every other ammo-based weapon!), and lower their mass or increase their ammo count!

</thread hijack>
Aug 05, 2012 TheRedSpy link
Generally though, I'm ok with the notion of making some of the more inaccessible content a bit more accessible.

I don't think this is *just* about accessibility. None of these recipes are hard to get done with the exception of the trident, but I think all of them aren't worth it. It's not the new players that get disappointed with manufacturing, its players that are looking for something new to do, roll into manufacturing with the expectation of being able to make some credits out of it, or get some cool manufacturing goodies, but slowly realise that nothing you can manufacture is worth the effort and therefore the price you have to sell it for is so outrageously high that nobody is willing to buy it.

So, I've already made a suggestion on the specifics of reforming the superlight kit above. The main other ones are the conc railgun which just needs to be made re-loadable and furies which need to have the four-hour limit removed.

That would be a good first step in making manufacturing something to aspire to.
Aug 07, 2012 abortretryfail link
What TRS said ^

Really, outside of capship parts (endgame stuff), there's nothing worth manufacturing and selling for players who want to be miner/trader types.

All of the earlier manufacturing missions build crappy things like the Improved Mineral Scanner (which you can only do ONCE?!), Light Xithricite Mining Beam (Sucks and also only once...), Valent Neutron Accelerator (fine and dandy for an upgraded newb weapon, except you only get one and newbs die a lot.)

Noticing a pattern here?