Forums » Suggestions
We need more ports.
It has been said before, but never, as far as I recall, in a dedicated thread. We need more varied types of ports. It became clear to me today actually when I noticed that the Advanced Gat. and Locust Swarms far outshine all the other L-port weapons. I have never seen anyone use the others in a heated battle (with the exception of mines and avalons). That and the fact that the Gauss and Sunflares seem to outshine the other S-port weapons means we either need to enhance the other weaps, deminish the effectiveness of the powerful ones, or give us different types of ports, or, as someone suggested a while ago, an "grid-like" inventory type system like in Diablo to fit the weapons.
Celebrim made this thread before. Time to dig it up so we don't repeat what's been said before. After I find it and we all read it, let's continue. :D
Oh yes, check my thread. :-D