Forums » Suggestions
Condense 'Bounty Claimed' ingame news and add 'Station Conquered'
Take all the bounty claims over a day or a week and post a "Bounties claimed" report in the news instead. Bounties are not really newsworthy enough to generate their own story every time girl X gets 560k off of dude Y in a fantastic explosion. Perhaps even add a bit in the post where it talks about bounties still up for being claimed, too, and give a reason for actually reading bounty posts.
In the same thread, having a summation post of the daily/weekly changes in conquerable station possession would be neat as well. It would also give us a way to tell who owns what station, if a bit time lagged.
In the same thread, having a summation post of the daily/weekly changes in conquerable station possession would be neat as well. It would also give us a way to tell who owns what station, if a bit time lagged.
Cant hurt, and will tidy up the news section a treat.
Cant hurt, and will tidy up the news section a treat.
while tidying up news if you wont make a deneb score board (perhaps because you are all terrible at web related things) maybe put a report in the news as week as a weekly summary highlighting the victory antion, war voy numbers and top 5 combatants?
+2 four both
+ some really huge number.
The bounties-claimed aggregation post has been planned and ticketed for awhile (a month or two, but we've been swamped in Android-land). The addition of a station-conquest post is a good idea.
Please check NEWS upgrade.
But wasn't ConqStations supposed to be in "secret" location? If it hit the news, then they should be added to maps... showing owner/active key on mouse hover...
But wasn't ConqStations supposed to be in "secret" location? If it hit the news, then they should be added to maps... showing owner/active key on mouse hover...