Forums » Suggestions
Mission Summary
This is a low priority request.
I'd like to see a summary of the following after Border and Hive missions. Possibly other mission types that I don't play may wish to be included. Mostly because I'm curious and too damned lazy to add it up for myself.
1)credits earned
2)faction lost or gained
3)license earned
4)for hive skirmish total bots killed
I'd like to see a summary of the following after Border and Hive missions. Possibly other mission types that I don't play may wish to be included. Mostly because I'm curious and too damned lazy to add it up for myself.
1)credits earned
2)faction lost or gained
3)license earned
4)for hive skirmish total bots killed
+1 to add this information in the mission log, the mission outcome.
include kills/deaths for combat missions. And battle outcome in BOLD letters as title
include kills/deaths for combat missions. And battle outcome in BOLD letters as title