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Perma-fail missions

Mar 10, 2010 Jzalae link
Permanent fail missions irrevocably handicap a character into which a player may pour weeks or even months of grinding. FWIW, this is the reason I went back to WoW a few months ago.

The missions I'm aware of that have perma-fail outcomes are the dangerous experiment [Edit: Research Vessel Defense] mission and the missions that say "don't leave the sector".
Mar 10, 2010 Chaosis link
Perma-fail happens. Just follow the frikkin instructions and go for it.
Mar 10, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
The Fail is strong in these noobs.
Mar 10, 2010 Jzalae link
I have never perma-failed a "don't leave the sector" mission. (I was warned by some people who weren't noobs and mentioned that they couldn't do some things because they had perma-failed that way.)

IIRC, my main hasn't perma-failed Research Vessel Defense either, but he may as well have since there's no way to practice. And no, don't make your self look even more the fool by suggesting botting. Every place I know of to bot involves being attacked by one or two (maybe three) bots at once. Every place except that mission. [Edit: That mission and one of the training ones, but the bots there aren't nearly hard enough--I tried it.]

Perma-fail missions don't lead to epic feeling of accomplishment. They lead to keeping sites like Wowhead open in another window, to angst quits, and to elitist trolls like you two.
Mar 10, 2010 Aticephyr link
Research Vessel Defense isn't perma-fail I don't think. In fact, I think I distinctly remember failing it, as it cost me a few dozen faction points. I later re-took the mission and passed... so maybe you just aren't finding the right missions to re-start the tree?

However, full-blown permafail is pretty annoying. There should be a way to reset the fail bit, even if it means starting a whole new tree etc.

I'm pretty sure no Dev has made a permafail mission. Only the PCC does that. The best way to limit those types of missions is to join up and review beta-missions.
Mar 10, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
I'm not suggesting that you practice for RVD - although you do get 5 tries to get it right. I'm suggesting that you use your brain for a change. You can get a bunch of people to assist you in defending the ship, or you can use the right weapon.
Mar 10, 2010 Aticephyr link
Ah. The 5 tries explains it. Makes it less of a perma-fail as much as a perma-what-were-you-thinking...

resets are still nice, but 5 tries really isn't that bad at all...
Mar 10, 2010 Jzalae link
"I'm pretty sure no Dev has made a permafail mission. Only the PCC does that. The best way to limit those types of missions is to join up and review beta-missions."

In what way is this not that review? Although the missions made it out of beta before I qualified for the PCC or even knew about the game.

Look at this discussion for a minute. I left a not unfriendly note about a clear cut, fixable reason why I'm not more involved with the game. Part of the reason I did is that I know from interviews and such with the developers of games I've played that it's very frustrating when people leave a game silently in the night, as they usually do. When you respond by pushing me to get more involved, what response do I have but to get into other reasons I'm not more involved? And what kind of thread would that produce? No, I won't go there, and you shouldn't have pushed me to.

As for Dr. Lecter, I know you know better than to beat on straw men.