Forums » Suggestions
shameless bump ___@______
hush just post in itn the addon thread and stop
It is not a new addon. Its simply use same interface present in capships to enable one to use his own turrets...
Looks like a fine time for a lock.
What about just allowing a different type of add on to the turret mount points. Something not requiring much aiming. Like decoy/flair launchers to distract homing missiles, smoke screens to make targeting more difficult. Something that just drops mines behind you. Brief shields, chaff. Energy pulses that temporarily slow pursuers. I’m sure people can think of a lot of defensive ways to shake off pursuers. My thought is to have them fire as a normal weapon. Mostly defensive devices. Not anything designed to destroy a ship (except maybe newbie ships) just measures to assist you in your attempt to escape a pursuer. The sort of thing a trader or miner may use. These would not be turrets, but if you wanted turrets then you would have to remove them and equip a turret.
To clarify,these would not be turrets, but another type of add-ons, that just fit to the turret mount points.
The idea would be to maintain the ballance to allow a trader or miner licensed pilot in a larger slower ship, an even chance to escape (note I said escape not kill) a pirate with an equal level combat license in a faster better gunned ship. To kill a pirate you would still need a combat ship, with a combat license (and a different set of skills and tactics from those used jsut to evade and escape.)
The idea would be to maintain the ballance to allow a trader or miner licensed pilot in a larger slower ship, an even chance to escape (note I said escape not kill) a pirate with an equal level combat license in a faster better gunned ship. To kill a pirate you would still need a combat ship, with a combat license (and a different set of skills and tactics from those used jsut to evade and escape.)
Dude, there is an "edit" button. You don't need to make new posts to add corrections, unless the correction is critical for proper understanding and you don't notice it until you figure people have already read the broken version, in which case a clarifying post is not uncalled for.