Forums » Suggestions

Player piloted Hive ships

Jan 17, 2010 ShankTank link
I like the idea of just having bug buckets not require a license, have a limited supply refreshed every other day, be sold in grey space faction stations, and be illegal in most nation space faction areas (or at least un-dockable).
May 05, 2010 ryan reign link
The list is just a basic premise... it can have items taken out or added. I basically just looked around at all the items you might use if you were making a ship out of a hive bot... (collector, transport, assault... etc... etc... leave Levis and Queens out of it until we have player owned cappies.).
May 05, 2010 ArAsH link
It would be cool to fly a fury.
May 05, 2010 mooglinux link
Piloting hive ships would be a nice change. +1 for useing them during certain missions, or manufactoring them yourself.

It would also be great to be able to control several of them, for mining. After all, arent they just mining bots gone awry? We shoudl be able to purchase the properly functioning bots to assist in mining, trading, or various other uses.
May 05, 2010 tarenty link
Ryan, did you just include everything in the game for that? Airlock Maintenance supplies...? The ship is already there, factions just need to make it support life.

+1 for bug buckets

List of my own for a simple Dentek Collector:

Scrap Metal x12
Dentek Processor Core x2
Outer Hull Plates x2
Life Support Systems x1 (I think there is a commodity called this)
Hull Panels x4
Instrumentation Panel x1
Vismetal Cockpit x1

Note that this is for a Dentek Collector, not an overseer or guardian. Those would require much more scrap, many more cores, etc.
May 05, 2010 ryan reign link
"Ryan, did you just include everything in the game for that?"

Yep, I did! I figured with every possible item that could/would be used to build a ship listed... it would be easier to slim down the list a bit. I like your list too... I would also suggest that in addition to the materials needed to refurbish the bot, we would have to purchase the actual add ons you want on the ship, which if possible should be a permanent fixture of the ship, unless there is a future plane to allow hive ships to swap out their add ons.
May 06, 2010 Alloh link
As a bonus, the BugBuckets does not have transponders.

That results in no pilot name showing up in radars, only faction. The ideal tool for discrete operation.

Also, not all bots should be offered, only a selected few, those already used by nations (as CtC convoy).
May 08, 2010 David-Lister link
guess i never said anything about this... so..
