Forums » Suggestions

wingman and formation flying

Jul 28, 2003 kaifas link
idea was that an escort could join in formation with a say maruder,then when jumping into a new system they would apear in the same spacepoint....that way a escort might do something good.....just an idea.any inputs on it??
Jul 28, 2003 silentsuicide link
Probably the easiest way would to have a targeting system where you target the ship you want to be in formation with and then push a button and you automaticly go into formation with that ship. Matching speed and bearings. This could lead to problems though, if the ship you are escorting is faster than you, then the formation gets thrown all over the place.
And yes that wh idea is great, it would give an edge over pirates that are chasing a convoy cross sector and allow the escort to prepare.
Jul 28, 2003 kaifas link
yes i can see you angle,but the fighters will maintain the speed of the object they are flying in formation with.That or they autonegotiate a speed all vessels can match and then keep that speed
Jul 28, 2003 spectre_c_me link
not a bad idea though i probrably wouldnt use it but for noobs and stuff like that having this formation thing would be a great asset. pirating is kinda needed though, if the game was perfect then know people would want to play. take the good with the bad, having an edge to prepare for a pirate isnt bad, just dont make it to where the pirate has literally no chance, this game is a player controlled game. the player should learn to gain control over his ship and be able to dodge and fight back if need be....

would this negotiation be like an agreement for the pilots or what? if a pilot was forced to do it then people may not support this idea
Jul 28, 2003 kaifas link
well autonegotiating speed could be set as a default...say 1 bus,1 valk,1 ragnarok and a prom joined up in a formation.what you take is the current value of the different ship(engine capasity and installed engines)and negotiate a speed that all ship can follow.That means the cpu does it for you,not manaually set.

For the we need pirates,yes i agree.What would happen is that only skilled ppl can maintain and succeed on being a pirate...heh then you would have pirate gulds as well...might work tho
can it be misused?yes it can.Can newbies gang up using this style?yes...could one do a rocketramming insertion into a convoy flying in a current convoi?yes.However a good escort see them comming and can break off an engage at longer distance leaving 1 fighter behind so the traders can make a run for it while escort and pirates duke it out...
Jul 28, 2003 kaifas link
double posting
Jul 28, 2003 kaifas link
double posting
Jul 28, 2003 Sage link
Yes, auto-negotiating speeds is a wonderful idea. While we are at it, it would be great to be able to set the computer to turbo you at the maximum speed where your battery will stay relatively stable in a straight line so I don't have the keep tapping my tab button. It's starting to get dirty.
Jul 29, 2003 spectre_c_me link
well if the computer takes care of it then im cool with the idea, sounds like it would be fun to me. lol though i must admit the syndicate would prolly start attacking these convoys, but hey the vipers are hear to prevent that, and im a loner so yeah its all cool with me, if you dont know what a loner is then ask
Jul 29, 2003 kaifas link
kinda makes it harder and demands more skill if a loner is suposed to take down a convoy...anyway,it should help even the score.
Jul 29, 2003 spectre_c_me link
me is a loner.

loner: person who counts on himself and no one else, nobody counts on him, nobody controls him, he is totally free to do as he wishes no rules or limitations. can pirate trade grief exploit cap turret what ever he/she wants

^-- my definition of a loner in vendetta

i dont pirate i dont grief i dont exploit, i trade cap and turret

it should even the score yes