Forums » Suggestions


May 06, 2009 Deamonspawn link
The idea that I have is for two sets of players kind like Ace Online has with free play and an item shop with really rare or special items. that way any body that wants to can play regardless of their financial position. Many people that want to play long term in this game are unable to due to the fact that for one year they would have to pay $89.99 if they pay all at once or like most people would have to do it $119.88 paying monthly. I do not in any way want to make it seem like this game is not good because it is that is why I am telling y'all this. Now i know that you might have a bit of a drop in income but you would have more people that will be able to play your game that otherwise would not be able to which with good enough items in the shop, can make it where you actually have a larger sum of money coming in.
I appreciate your time and would not mind if you could get back with me on this, my email is
thank you
May 06, 2009 toshiro link
I don't like this kind of game (I hate it in most F2P MMOGs). It essentially allows those with money an unfair advantage over people with the same amount of experience. VO manages to avoid this.

Also, USD 9.99 a month isn't *that* much. If you smoke, you just have to cut down so you smoke two packs less (prices from where I am, YMMV). Or, if you're still dependent on your parents, you save your pocket money. And if they won't let you have their credit card, I think you can pay by cash.

Not to mention that the developers really depend on this money (it pays to feed the servers, themselves and their kid(s), the latter two quite literally). Do you want children to starve, just so you can play a space sim MMO?

Of course, it's possible you're a troll, in which case I just fed you.
May 06, 2009 Deamonspawn link
i understand that it makes those with money "better" than the others, but in the long run it can be more profitable. and no im not a troll
May 06, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
I'll let others handle this one.

But You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
May 06, 2009 diqrtvpe link
I think the devs are more interested in making a better game than in being more profitable. They still want to be profitable, but they want to do so through a good game that doesn't skew towards the "haves." At least that's the impression I get from everything Inc says.
May 06, 2009 peytros link
whats wrong with his e-mail lecter? mine is
May 06, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
mine is

I'm pretty sure I know the exact type of "Pride" to which you are referring there, peypey.

Now, did you seriously just misspell your own Goddamn email address?
May 06, 2009 FusionBurn link

No way. No micro transactions. No. Absolutely not. I've played games like that and it turns the community into this:A group/groups of elitists with all the cash they need to buy all the super-uber-ships/weapons they want, PKing and griefing any NOT-uber rich newb who is unfortunate enough to stumble in.
May 06, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
I don't think there is any chance whatsoever of this being adopted. Just let it die.