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Station leasing question.

Mar 31, 2009 PaKettle link
At the present state of development could a guild lease a station and be allowed to defend it? To be precise Is there a way to exempt guild members from a faction loss for any combat that takes place near a leased station?

For example: Could [PA] lease a station such as Ukari B14 and all its members be exempted from any faction loss that would normally occur from combat in the NFZ or any other area in Ukari B14.

I think allowing guilds to lease stations would make a good temporary step towards player owed stations but the main problem I see is that we dont have a way to really defend them....
Mar 31, 2009 Aticephyr link
we dont have a way to really defend them
nor any way to attack them either.

We need boarding parties!!!! or something. lol.

The main problem I am coming up against is say (and this is purely for the sake of example) VPR were to lease a station. Say the only way to take over a station is to kill the station's defenses and turrets or some objective X. If there are players guarding the station, it might be very hard for, say, [sky] to take the station over. But say [sky] is smart enough to wait until 5am EST to try to take over a station (when there are typically no more than 15 players online)... now it's easy as pie.

In other words, there would need to be a way to take over a station that isn't that fast-paced, so that one couldn't really take advantage of player down times, but isn't boring as frack either. I have no idea how to accomplish this.
Mar 31, 2009 peytros link
well in this other space game you have to constantly supply your station to keep it running and then when it runs out of supplies you have a maximum 24 hour delay until you can actually start to destroy the station. So I think something like that would probably be used.
Mar 31, 2009 PaKettle link
As a first step we simply need a way to prevent others from using the station or simply be able to defend the station space from unwanted intruders. As it stands now the only real course of action is to not take action....

Faction at a leased station needs to be modified so the leasee can defend thier area at the very least.....
Apr 01, 2009 FistOfRage link
Or perhaps similar to Makefriends, you could set specific players, factions or guilds to different levels of friendliness and let the station defenses take care of it.

Though one thing I don't like about the current station setup, is that even if the person you are shooting is hated by the faction, if you shoot them, you still get attacked by the strike force. I think for that situation, the NFZ should not apply. Or if the other player has fired first and become temporary KOS, the NFZ should not apply for the other party.
Apr 01, 2009 Aticephyr link
Or if the other player has fired first and become temporary KOS, the NFZ should not apply for the other party.
I think the issue with this is collisions need to not count as "first fires". but agreed with the principle, I'm just just sure how hard this would be to code.
Apr 01, 2009 FistOfRage link
I've never had an issue with collisions launching the SF. But then the station docks don't report damage :P

A simple test to demonstrate my point. Home at a Corvus station, have someone get up close to you and destroy your ship so that your explosion causes them damage. Immediately launch. You will likely be accosted by the strike force even though you never fired a shot.
Apr 02, 2009 PaKettle link
The point of the thread being if we are ever to have player owned or even leased stations then we need to get the standing issues worked out. PA is certainly interested in leasing a station and would be happy to test stuff out toward this if the devs are ready to start work towards this.
Apr 02, 2009 peytros link
guilds shouldn't be able to lease an npc station, it has too much potential for abuse. Just wait to build your own