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Small Station Guard Change/Addition

Mar 23, 2009 Death Jr. link
Just a quick idea, not too serious, about Station Guard and their reaction to an "aggressor" and "defender" situation.

Station Guards only react to the aggressor by attacking him and trying to eliminate him. They do not, however, consider the defender.

I propose that a duo of bots also come to the defender's defense, one being a repair-bot (if possible) and the other simply being a Station Guard assigned to stick around and defend him from attackers, but only if the defender has a certain minimum standing with each respective nation. (The duo would be dismissed if the defender docks, jumps, or if 5 minutes run out)

It might be something to hold off on until the current problems with the "Aggressor/Defender" scenarios are fixed, but it's something I'd certainly like to see...

Mar 23, 2009 missioncreek2 link
I like it.
Mar 23, 2009 Roda Slane link
To build on this idea, I propose that an observer bot be assigned to follow the attacked person, such that the observer bot is easy to destroy, and has very high standing. This way, a person that has low standing, can present the threat of serious faction loss, while they are in the NFZ. This should help reduce the NFZ snippers, that specialize in killing newbs who have low standing.
Mar 23, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Why would we want to make someone with low standing disproportinately painful to kill?

The whole point of the faction system is that, until you work hard to gain their respect, a faction doesn't care enough about you to penalize your killer.
Mar 24, 2009 Roda Slane link
This is true lecter, but should it apply to the station NFZ. The current station strike force is a joke, and I am only suggesting increasing the effectiveness of the station NFZ, not the rest of faction space.
Mar 24, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
The NFZ already has a penalty: shoot anyone there and the SF launches to destroy you or chase you from the sector.

Just because it's not 100% effective at preventing all kills doesn't mean it's not doing what it was intended to do.
Mar 24, 2009 Roda Slane link
If it is doing what it is intended to do, then I would have to question the intentions. How about make it a no fire zone, or rename it to "killing stuff while running circles around strike force zone". truth in advertising is all i ask.
Mar 24, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Plenty of players in VO would get shot up/seekered by the SF if they tried to engage in an extended attack on someone who (for whatever retarded reason) decided not to dock with the station after being shot in the first place.

The fact that some of us have enough experience in this area to stay alive longer doesn't mean that the rules should change for everyone. Get it through your head that "NFZ" means "Shoot Someone Here and Have to Cope with the SF" -- not "Shoot Someone Here and Instantly Be Rendered DEAD."

That's what the missile turrets are for, after all.
Mar 24, 2009 stackman122 link
Some of this has been discussed long ago, have a peek:

I say the SF should be able to recognize who the true agressor may be and react accordingly.